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Romeo And Juliet's 'Pyramus And Thisbe'

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I think the opinion of others should not affect our own choices because we have feeling that are unique and motivation others cannot understand. Because some don’t know how we feel or how someone else feels just like Romeo and Juliet or “Pyramus and Thisbe” and how their feelings were. Romeo and Juliet had a difficult relationship because their families were enemies. “Pyramus and Thisbe” had never seen each other but fell in love even though there was a wall between them. Then when they were finally about to meet a lion appeared and got Thisbe by the coat but she got away and when Pyramus seen the coat he thought the lion killed her therefor he killed himself and that causing Thisbe to kill herself.

The same kind of thing happened in Romeo and Juliet but they saw each other. Then got married all in just 24 hours because there love was so strong and then came Romeos banishment. Therefor leading to Romeo and Juliet making a plan to run away together. Then it all backfired because the messenger could not get to Romeo in time and one of Romeos friends named Balthasar thought she had really died and told Romeo. Then Romeo bought poison because he was going to commit suicide while next to Juliet in her tomb. Then when she woke up because she had taken a potion to make her appear dead for 48 hour she saw Romeo dead then stabbed herself with his dagger. …show more content…
They had died because they were trying to escape. But they never did because of the sniper shooting them. After they were shot Bosko he instantly died but Admira lived but was bleeding out. So she decided in her last moments to crawl to him and died right next to him because she had loved him that

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