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Rose In The Swed: A Narrative Fiction

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"Hey genius, this is our place" made his partner laugh. "Let's go see what Rose had in the plane."

Ten minutes later the brothers were awed at viewing the wrecked aircraft. They kept getting in the way as the tied down boxes and bundles we passed through the door. No one looked to see what she carried in the plane. It hadn't been abandoned, so it was still hers. That made it none of their business.

The brothers played in the empty airplane for an hour, taking turns steering and making engine noises, until they grew bored. The flight surfaces on the dead plane had moved slightly with each movement of the yoke. Trey had them watch the ailerons and elevators twitch, as he moved the yoke around.

Rose's worldly possessions were …show more content…
The house with the great basement became a storage area. Trey mapped and checked off the places they had been to. The partners didn't take everything, even the farm could only use so many spatulas. Mostly food and perishable supplies filled the garage. Clothing filled up the master bedroom, where it was just dumped in male and female piles.

Rose hadn't spoken about herself other than the day they found her. Trey was curious enough about what had happened in the Midwest, that he asked her one evening. "Look, it's none of our business, but we'd really like to know what things were like, where you've been. We talked to a guy who told us what he'd heard" he shrugged indicting they didn't know if it was true or not.

"Rose shrugged back, although she was far from eager to tell the story. "I was at school in Nebraska. My last semester, at least I won't have to pay my student loans now. The U is right in the middle of Omaha. When all this started, anyone with a car disappeared. Parents came and picked up their students. The stores emptied in no time. The interstates were filled with people driving anywhere they could think …show more content…
I walked past a hangar and it almost got me. He was so close I just shot. Quite a crowd gathered after that, I got lucky since the tanker started up. These things were all chewed up and ripped apart. I spent the night in a barn because I lost the plane. You know how you can't find your car in the mall parking lot. It took three days to find the plane. I fueled the bird, but when I woke the next morning all I could smell was avgas."

"I was so mad, I just started screaming. It must have been stress. I hopped the plane to the house I stayed in before and slept for three days. When I started looking for the leak and got aggravated or paranoid, I'd stop for the day. I think I went a little crazy being all alone. I didn't keep track of how long I was there. The zoms started showing up at the house in ones and twos. There was a big wrench in the garage that worked better than the bat for dealing with the dead."

"I caulked everything on the tank that I could see. When it held fuel overnight, I filled it all the way and flew away the next morning. I had to land north of Columbus because of a storm. The wind was so bad I was wishing the bird was tied down. Then the zoms showed up. I couldn't let a crowd gather, the prop would be trashed if it hit one. I ended up having to taxi away from the mob several times. Right before dark I flew a few miles just to get away from

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