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Submitted By castle24
Words 898
Pages 4


From: Cory Castle

Date: September 27, 2015

Re: Rosewood Hotels and Resorts

CEO John Scott’s recommendation to Rosewood Hotels & Resorts (Rosewood) board of directors is to adopt the corporate branding strategy to boost company growth through increased cross-selling rates across its line of luxury hotels around the world.

The Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) for the next 6 years as referenced in the “Rosewood Hotels & Resorts: Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) Analysis”, Rosewood is projected to see an increase in revenue of approximately $29.6 Million with a corporate brand strategy. The result was derived from $82.60 per customer CLTV in increased marketing costs, times the number of projected repeat customers (115,000), which was $9,498,542 in increased profit. This profit divided by 32% gross margin which resulted in $29,682,943 of increased revenue over a 6 year time period. This projected increase in revenue substantiates Scott’s initiatives.

Currently, Rosewood is operating under an individual hotel branding concept, building on its one-of-a-kind, luxury hotel concept of “A Sense of Place”. Rosewood has become known for its ability to foster an environment detailed to the individual consumer. The change to the Rosewood corporate brand is projected to help customers associate the suite of luxury hotels under the Rosewood name and encourage them to stay at other hotels worldwide within the conglomerate. Of the 40% of customers who had return visits, only 5% of them had frequented another hotel under the Rosewood name. The average cross selling rate is 10%-15% with corporate branded hotels and 5%-10% with individually branded hotels. Most customers do not associate the individual hotels with Rosewood. Rosewood’s growth up to 2003 was 15% above the average of corporate branded hotels and 20% below the average of individually

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