Errors in diagram 1 * The diagram cannot have 2 start points * A start point cannot connect with an activity in the middle of the diagram, it has to connect to the first activity (so the lower start point is incorrect)
Errors in diagram 2 * The diagram has no start point * “Delivery OK” has an XOR gateway missing after it as multiple connectors can’t exit an activity without a gateway
Errors in diagram 3 * The “IN STOCK’ should be an XOR GATEWAY instead of an AND GATEWAY * The connector from “RETREIVE FROM WAREHOUSE” shouldn’t get into the sub-process, it should stay outside the sub-process box * The connector from the XOR GATEWAY after the sub-process should be labelled properly as “SHIPMENT FAILED” and “SHIPMENT COMPLETED”
Errors in diagram 4
Errors in diagram 5 * The connector after the XOR GATEWAY has the “ACCTEPTED” label missing * The external connection arrows should be labelled “ACCEPTANCE NOTICE” and “REJECTION NOTICE”
Errors in diagram 6 * The “NO” decision out of the “CHECK CUSTOMER ELIGIBILITY” should exit from the XOR GATEWAY and not from the activity icon * The “NO” decision out of the “CHECK CAR AVAILABILITY” should exit from the XOR GATEWAY and not from the activity icon * The XOR GATEWAY after “OK?” should be an AND JOIN, instead of an XOR
Errors in diagram 7 * The connector after the “REPAIRED?” AND OR should be labelled NO * “PUT ITEMS BACK ON SHELVES” and “DISPOSE ITEMS” should both be connected to one AND JOIN GATEWAY, eliminating the other.
Errors in diagram 8 * The XOR gate after “EVALUATE REQUEST” does not have a decision option “NO” * After the “NO” decision, there should be an END EVENT icon named as “CANCELLATION REJECTED” with a communication the customer saying “CANCELLATION REJECTED” * There should be an AND JOIN connecting “NOTIFY CONTRACTOR” and “NOTIFY ACCOUNTING”