1. What are the benefits of trading in Index Futures compared to any other security?
Ans-An investor can trade the ‘entire stock market’ by buying index futures instead of buying individual securities with the efficiency of a mutual fund. The advantages of trading in Index Futures are: * The contracts are highly liquid * Index Futures provide higher leverage than any other stocks * It requires low initial capital requirement * It has lower risk than buying and holding stocks * It is just as easy to trade the short side as the long side * Only have to study one index instead of 100s of stock
2. What is the difference between open interest and volume?
Ans-In the options market, two measurements describe the liquidity and activity of option contracts. Volume is the amount of contracts traded in a given period, and open interest is the number of open option contracts.
Trading volume is the number of option contracts being exchanged between buyers and sellers, and it measures the activity of options contracts. For example, assume the trading volume in call option ABC with a strike price of $55 and an expiration date in three weeks did not trade any contracts for a specified day. Therefore, the trading volume is 0. However, the next day, an investor buys 15 call option contracts and a market maker sells 15 call option contracts. The trading volume for that particular day is 15.
Open Interest
Open interest is the number of option contracts that are still open and held by traders and investors. These options have not been closed out, expired or exercised.
Options open interest decreases when holders and writers of options close out their positions. To close out their positions, they must take offsetting positions or exercise their options. Options open interest increases when investors and traders open new long option positions