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Safe Injection Practices Coalition Analysis

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The Safe Injection Practices Coalition (SIPC) was established in 2008. This coalition is comprised of a partnership of healthcare-related organizations that was created to with the singular goal of promoting safe injection practices across all healthcare settings in the U.S. In a broad context, the coalition consists of patient advocacy organizations, foundations, provider associations, and industry partners. The SIPC united with the CDC in an effort to consolidate efforts to halt unsafe injection practices. The coalition has since concentrated its efforts on the advancement and promotion of safe injection practices by providing information and educational opportunities to healthcare professionals and the general public with an emphasis in outpatient healthcare settings. Partnerships that have supported the coalition include: Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Ambulatory Surgery Foundation, …show more content…
The USFDA joined with the Safe injection Practices Coalition in an advisory capacity to combine its resources with the goal of eliminating unsafe injections. State partners are vital contributors to the coalition with their ability to offer community outreach, create state-based educational opportunities as well as to further foster the goals of the campaign. The SIPC assembled a portfolio of resources to assist organizations in constructing a framework for following safe injection practices which consists of a communication checklist which is an organizational tool for dissemination

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