Premium Essay

Salem Telephone


Submitted By edwardki
Words 325
Pages 2
Ed Kiefer
Chapter 4
10500-8500/900000-300000 2000/600000= .003
Low 8500-900=7600 Copies
High 20500-2700=17800 Copies

Variable costs
Staff Salaries 33000
Office supplies 300
Total 33300
Fixed costs
Manager salaries 8000
Dep of equip 400
Share of building
Costs 2000
Total 10400

Total 33300/70 $475.72
Total 10400/70 148.57

Break even point
FC=$300,000 VC per Dollar= $.40
$300,000x.40=$120,000 Variable cost


Sales increase 15%=2,035,000x.15=305250
Because we only increased profits and did not add to fixed or Variable cost.

Selling price A= $90 Selling price B=$80
Less Variable Costs= $30 Less Variable Costs= $44
Contribution margin= 60 Contribution Margin=$36
Labor Hours A= 6 Labor Hours b=3
Contribution Margin Per Hour A= $10 Contribution Margin Hours Per B=$12
Contribution Margin Given Contribution Margin Given
350 Hours= $3500 350 Hours= $4200
365 Hours= $3650 365 Hours= $4380
They should produce B. With the additional 15 hours they can produce 5 additional units and increase profits by 180 dollars.
Problem 12 A. Contribution Margin Ratios
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...800 | $53,800 | 53,800 | TOTAL FC | $189,620 | $189,620 | $189,620 | 2) Cost per Revenue Hour for Variable Expenses: Revenue Hours> | January329 | February316 | March361 | Power | $1546 | $1485 | $1697 | Cost/Revenue Hr. | $4.70/hr. | $4.70/hr. | $4.70/hr. | Hourly Personnel | $7896 | $7584 | $8664 | Cost/Revenue Hr. | $24/hr. | $24/hr. | $24/hr. | Corporate Services | $15,424 | $15,359 | $15,236 | Cost/Revenue Hr. | $46.88 | $48.60 | $42.20 | Sales Promotions | $7,909 | $7,039 | $8,083 | Cost/Revenue Hr. | $24.04/hr. | $22.28/hr. | $22.39/hr. | 3) Contribution margin income statement for Salem Data Services Assumption: Intra company usage=205 hours; Commercial usage for March=138 hours Revenue Hours Intra company: 205 Commercial: 138 Total Revenue Hours: 343 Salem Data Services Income Statement | | Revenues | | Intra company sales | $82,000 | Commercial Sales | 110,400 | TOTAL REVENUE | $192,400 | | | LESS Variable Expenses | | Power | $1612.10 | Hourly Personnel | 8,232 | Corporate Services | 14,474.60 | Sales Promotions | 7,679.77 | TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS | $31,998.47 | CONTRIBUTION MARGIN | $160,401.53 | | | LESS FIXED EXPENSES...

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