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Salvage Inequalities Children By Jonathan Kozol: Sociology Analysis

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Pages 3
How are you? I hope all is well on your end. The thought of you crossed my mind when a conversation about life change, white privilege and the bourgeoisie was being discussed. From that conversation I know your end is doing much better than most. As I am seated here waiting for my younger sister to text me if she is 100 percent in on the BPS school walk-out. All I can think about is how much budget cut hurts the future of kids, who want to educate themselves, break the cycle of life-chance. They are tired of being neglected, the last thought, just plain and simple forgotten. Jonathan Kozol wrote Salvage Inequalities Children In America’s Schools to highlight the forbidden fruit; Education. Life-chance will continue to be a section in Sociology …show more content…
You would think people would use those terms and make changes with it. They did half of the work already. They even came up with terms to identify, and to put meaning behind social problems that affects the majority of people. Who am I to think change will happen tomorrow or in the next tenth year. I am hopping for way too much, since we became a society of McDonaldization. You can have it your way, even if it kills. Your secret has been televised and we know about the bet you lost and allowed someone like Donald Trump to run. We know our lives are just jokes to you. When you allow someone like Donald Trump to run for the presidency and open his mouth the way that he does, you create more division, I bet that was part of your plan. Institutional racism, is the way you keep individuals in the dark. If institutions like the military, police force, government stays the color that always get the long end of the stick, everything will stay the same. You will build more prisons, privatize them and mis-educate the youth so you can fill your jails with them. Did you have criminals before you build the jails to house them, or did you have jails and wait for crime to happen so you can jail those criminals. Which ever comes first the people is on to

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