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1. Sam Killerman discusses gender identity, gender expression and biological sex. How do these concepts differ and in what ways do these concepts intersect? According to Killerman, gender identity, gender expression, and biological sex are the primary components that make up one’s gender. Gender identity is one’s perception and experience with gender. Gender expression is one’s ways of showcasing gender identity through physical means, such as clothing, appearance, and behavior. Biological sex is one’s bodily characteristics that usually distinguish male from female. These concepts are unique in the way that one…show more content… Briefly describe some of the ways changing gender roles have affected relationships between men and women in one of the following settings: a) social settings, b) families, and c) the workplace. Gender roles are the sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one’s gender status. In social settings, changing gender roles can eradicate the inequality between men and women, in terms of social expectations. For instance, women are now expected to help pay the bills when they go out with other men because many question why men must always pay for their dates. In families, women and men no longer have to abide by their traditional, familial roles. That is, women can be the head of the household as long as she can maintain the integrity of the family; men no longer have to carry the burden of the responsibilities of the “head of the family.” In workplace, changing gender roles has greatly expanded women’s gender roles and increased equality between men and women. Nowadays, more women are able to enter the job positions that are previously limited to men only. Women, therefore, have greater social mobility, but at the same time, they encounter visible and invisible obstacles. Visible obstacles include sexual harassment and assault. Invisible obstacles consist of glass ceiling—limits and restrictions that hinder women’s upward mobility in the occupational ladder, and glass escalator—the ease of men to take leadership positions in infeminized