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Submitted By rahko329
Words 3980
Pages 16
Organizational Culture & Leadership byEdgar H Schein "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em"
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night notes compiled by Ted Nellen
Oct 1997 OCAIonline (Organizational culture assessment instrument online) a hassle-free tool for diagnosing organizational culture, developed by professors Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron. Organizational Culture Blog Diagnosing and changing organizational culture  Culture a phenomenon that surrounds us all.  Culture helps us understand how it is created, embedded, developed, manipulated, managed, and changed.  Culture defines leadership.  Understand the culture to understand the organization. Defining Organizational Culture culture is customs and rights.  good managers must work from a more anthropological model.  Each org has its own way and an outsider brings his/her baggage as observer.  Understand new environment and culture before change or observation can be made. 1. Observe behavior: language, customs, traditions 2. Groups norms: standards and values 3. Espoused values: published, publicly announced values. 4. Formal Philosophy: mission 5. Rules of the Game: rules to all in org 6. Climate: climate of group in interaction 7. Embedded skills: 8. Habits of thinking, acting, paradigms: Shared knowledge for socialization. 9. Shared meanings of the group 10. Metaphors or symbols:  Culture: norms, values, behavior patterns, rituals, traditions.  Culture implies structural stability and Patterning and integration.  Culture is the accumulated shared learning from shared history.  2 problems all groups must deal with: 1. survival, growth, and adaptation in environment 2. internal integration that permits functioning and adapting. Culture Formally DefinedA pattern of shared basic assumptions

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