Premium Essay

Sampling File


Submitted By bravojuv
Words 6671
Pages 27
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|Compiled by Adelio D. Rico |
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Unknown Author 7

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Introductions, Prefaces, Forewords, and Afterwords 8

Reference List: Articles in Periodicals 8

Basic Form 8

Article in Journal Paginated by Volume 8

Article in Journal Paginated by Issue 8

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Review 9

Reference List: Books 9

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A Translation 10

Edition Other Than the First 10

Article or Chapter in an Edited Book 10

Multivolume Work 10

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...proposal development, but to assist you in setting out the proposal, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections. The Research Proposal is a complete description of the intended research, developed under the supervision of the assigned supervisor. Through the full proposal, the student needs to demonstrate convincingly that the study will make a contribution to a public health issue or problem. The full research proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and should present the following: ▪ Title ▪ Brief Introduction ▪ Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review) ▪ Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives ▪ Study design (type of study) ▪ Study population and sampling ▪ Data collection methods and instruments ▪ Data analysis methods – if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required. ▪ Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study – e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data ▪ Study period - Timetable for completion of the project ▪ Participants in the study – all people involved in the study, and the role they play, should be identified.* ▪ Ethical considerations ▪ Resources required for the study, including budget if applicable ▪ References ▪ Appendices (copy of questionnaire, consent forms, etc.) How to use this template: The template provides ALL the sections, headings and subheadings that you...

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