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Submitted By briggie413
Words 538
Pages 3
Assignment 6.1: Project, Assessment Model

MBA 531: Telemedicine and Emerging Technologies

The article spoke about the importance of economic assessments of health care technologies to help of decision-making concerning the allocation of public resources. Health care services are often influenced by external factors, and both competition and information are imperfect in the health care market. Explained which four main methods of economic technology assessment are: cost analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis, where the principle of cost measurement is the same in all these methods. The present assessment model uses an approach emphasizing transaction costs as a frame of reference in evaluating the relationship between information and communication technology and the efficiency of services. No doubt transaction costs can be reduced by means of information and communication technology. In the present model, the service concepts to be assessed were formulated according to generally used modes of operation .The assessment of the model will involve four specialties telesurgery, teleophthalmology, telepsychiatry and teleradiology from the Health Care District of Northern Finland and telepathology from the Health Care District of Southwestern Finland. The different projects will even collect same types of data on many other factors such as travel costs, assessment of equipment and technology, and worker and patient satisfaction. Several have been drawn up of factors to be considered in health technology assessment. The measurements will make use of cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analyses. The preliminary findings of the cost analyses will be published as soon as possible to provide decision-makers with a basis for decisions on the procurement of telemedical equipment. Data collection will ended in late

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