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Sarah Santiago Research Paper

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There’s no magic formula for choosing a college, and I think Sarah Santiago has figured that out. Sarah Santiago and her family moved from El Salvador to the United States and she is the oldest of five. The family of seven have lived in a 3 bedroom apartment. While saving for a down payment on a house. Sarah has been a big help when it comes to the family's income, all while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. With the academic year coming up she has to figure out which college to attend, with her outstanding grades she could attend a great 4 year university with a scholarship or she can go to a nearby 8 month vocational school. Both of these options have their positives and their negatives. Although the vocational school is cheaper to attend and it is closer to home, it is not as nearly as good as the university. …show more content…
Living in a new place will give Sarah the chance to experience a different culture. The world is expansive and no matter where you go, life will be different from another place. Immersing herself in a new environment will teach her many things and give her the opportunity to experience things she wouldn’t otherwise. One of the big parts of a university is the people. Universities are a way of meeting people from all across the country. Building relationships with people of different backgrounds helps make you a more rounded person. Some of the best friends are found at universities. In the article “Benefits of University Education” by J Juliet says “University education also provides opportunities for personal growth by exposing us to a rich cultural and social milieu. Universities allow students to meet and interact with people from different social, cultural, and financial backgrounds”(“Benefits of University Education”). Along with the traditional education like reading, writing, etc. There is the social education of growing up and learning to live and work with

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