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Submitted By defindevara
Words 5754
Pages 24
AssociAtion of Job sAtisfAction, Productivity, MotivAtion, stress levels with flextiMe
Kalpana solanki* Abstract It has been observed that the concept of flextime is very useful but it has not been understood and utilized by many organizations till date in UAE. The flextime concept is suitable to those employees who are willing to work in flexible work shifts with suitable work timings .This research is focused on finding out a relationship between flextime and employee productivity, job satisfaction, work productivity, motivation and reduction in the stress levels of the employees. There is a good scope for implementing flextime in UAE since many such jobs that can be done with flexibility in the work timings are available in the organizations (both in the manufacturing and service oriented industries). To test the hypothesis the researcher used (ANOVA) linear regression test which shows the relationship between independent variable (flextime) and the dependent variable (job satisfaction, work productivity, motivation, and stress levels). The researcher has used frequency table for analysis of the demographic factors and has done the mean and standard deviation analysis. The researcher has used the Pearson correlation test to check the validity of the research questionnaire. Keywords:
Flextime, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Productivity, Work stress

Job satisfaction is considered as one of the most essential components of work life, and one of the major factors that has influence on the individuals’ performance at work place. It affects the physical and mental capabilities of employees. An individual needs to maintain a healthy body and mind to perform physical and mental activities in the best possible way at his /her work place. When individuals suffer from diseases, their performance is degraded in most situations. In general, job satisfaction

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Job Satisfaction

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