...Humans have used animals for different uses. They have been used for food, clothing farm work and a variety of other uses. So using them to test new medical advances is different. Animal testing for medical purpose help saves lives and future generations. Animal testing should be continued for the use within the medical field. The ancient Greeks believed that animals were created by the gods to be used however people wish. The Bible says God gave man dominions “over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping things that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 9:1-3). The ancient Greeks and Romans influenced the laws of western civilization. The western civilization had no laws saying what you could not do to an animal no matter how cruel or unnecessary the act was (Thorburn). To some people animals have no rights at all while to others animals have rights and should not fell unnecessary pain and suffering. The people who believe animals have no rights; and use them just for their benefits but there is a line that should not be crossed animals do have feelings and some rights. The new movement of animal right groups has some good points like human like primates should not be used in testing like chimpanzees. The first law put in place by western civilizations was in the Massachusetts Bay colony. The law states that it is illegal to exercise any tyranny or cruelty towards any animal which are kept for use by humans...
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...Scientists putting animals through suffrage through medical research, but in any case, it is not contested, but on a scale it often is. There is an up and downstream of whether animal experimentation is a part of good science and also result in medical breakthroughs for humans. Depending on whether the progress may have achieved by any means. Millions of animals each year in the United States are experimented on for testing to help find cures and medicine for sick people/patients. Toxicity of medicine is put into animals and take the risk of whether or not are tests are successful or not so we can research further more. Research is led into saving lives, but what about the ones that are tested for hours on end and spend days in cages without...
Words: 1567 - Pages: 7
...Are animals really people too? Do they get married? Are they considered responsible for their actions? We give them names and human personalities on to them but we eat them. We domesticated and breed them for consumption and work tasks. We have used animals as tools for thousands years. All major civilizations use animals to eat or work or both. Animal rights activists will say that we do not need animal testing but we do. A large majority of scientists believe that animal testing is still the gateway to most scientific and medical advancements. Using animals for testing is necessary and reasonable for the advancement of science and medicine. Animal testing has led to many scientific and life-saving advances. That includes the creation of the vaccines of small pox and...
Words: 1921 - Pages: 8
...A surprising fact about animal testing is that most of the animal researchers don't test drugs but do basic research and modify mice. Animal testing is used to assess the safety and effectiveness of everything from medication to cosmetics. As well as understanding how the human body works. Supporters believe it is a necessary practice, those opposed to animal testing believe that it involves the torture and Suffering Of Animals. Another fact about animal testing is used to assess safety and effective drugs and how the human body functions. To begin with, there are many animals that are used for animal testing. The most common animals used are mice, rat, rabbit, hamster, cats, dogs, and miniature pigs. Dogs are mostly used for biomedical research. According to aavs “cats are most commonly used in neurology to study coed injury, as well as vision, sleep, and hearing.” Aavs states that “rabbits are used in basic biomedical research for skin, heart, eyes, immune system, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and diabetes.” Chimpanzees are not used in some countries....
Words: 496 - Pages: 2
...Animals have helped animals in many ways. One of the biggest ways they have helped us is with medical research. Animal testing has helped to save multiple lives. However, people still argue that animal research shouldn’t be legal, even though it’s the best way to get accurate andsafe cures.Scientists should use animals as test subjects on medical expierents. Many people argue that animal testing is cruel, however, this isn’t true at all, in fact, history has shown quite the opposite. Animal testing has helped save many animals from extinction, some of these species include the Black Footed-Ferret, the California Condor, and the Brazilian Tamarans. In fact, Koalas were once almost endangered due to an epidemic of a sexually transmitted disease called Chlamydia, however, due to animal testing, scientists managed to find a way to significantly slow down and treat the early stages of...
Words: 675 - Pages: 3
...Animal Testing Spring Ma “Across the globe, new products ranging from drugs for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to cosmetic products such as soaps, shampoos, etc., are tested on animals (The Surprising Pros of Animal Testing You Never Thought About).” Today, with the medical technology advancing at such high velocities, it is certain that animals have been a major contributor of the achievements. Over the past 30 years, science has seen 24 substantial biomedical improves. According to the American Cancer Society, these discoveries all would have been impossible with the assist of animals. Seeing the significance animal testing has devoted to the science industry, it is certain that animal testing ought to be continued....
Words: 541 - Pages: 3
...Animal Testing Could be Cure Killing animals for scientific experiments could be waste of time or new treatments for humans. Animal testing has been done many times; however, according to ‘Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?’ “Animal research has also contributed to major advances in understanding and treating conditions such as breast cancer, brain injury, childhood leukemia, cystic fibrosis, malaria, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, and many others, and was instrumental in the development of pacemakers, cardiac valve substitutes, and anesthetics.”(Procom’s 2) Animal testing has three advantages which are helps researchers to find drugs and treatments, improves human health and help ensure safety of drugs. First, researchers can find drugs and treatments by doing experiments on different animals. For instance, the snake has poison that can kill human, but some professors in Biological science field were able to find a treatment by using the same poison from that snake. Moreover, researchers can apply the same process on other animals. For example, according to ‘Why Do Medical...
Words: 651 - Pages: 3
...talking about animals, “ The question is not can they reason, nor, can they talk, but can they suffer?” This quote is talking about animals and how they feel. They may not be physically capable of talking with you, but they do have feelings and they can suffer. Throughout the history of the world, animals have been used for biomedical research. They were bred in captivity from the beginning never even having the chance to lead a normal life. In 1975 Peter Singer published “Animal Liberation” and changed the view of how everybody looked and thought about animals because it revealed what happens in animal product testing procedures. The amount of testing on animals in the US should be decreased, even if it has...
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4
..."When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” This quote was written by Anthony Douglas Williams. Millions of animals are poisoned and killed every year because of experiments they are forced to participate in. Although on the other side of the debate people argue that animal testing is the best option to find cures for diseases. However, it is important for people to know that products should absolutely not be tested on animals because they suffer from the experiments, species of animals are becoming endangered, and there are many alternatives that scientists could use instead. My first reason why it is absolutely critical that products are not tested on animals is because...
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...I disagree with conducting experiments on animals, it’s inhumane and cruel against animals. It’s also unreasonable and invalid considering that animals aren’t even the same species as humans. There is also over means of testing that doesn’t harm animals or people. Also I think that these alternative means of testing products is useful and should be used instead of testing products on animals. Conducting experiments on animals is cruelty against animals, considering that products that are tested on animals are commonly treated unfairly and are force fed, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, and undergo prolonged periods of physical restraint. Infliction of other wounds to study the healing process also commonly occurs. Also...
Words: 464 - Pages: 2
...The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 is the only Federal law in the U.S. which regulates animal treatment in research and exhibition. The first animal tests were conducted by early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Erasistratus (304-258 BC). Animals have been tested on for many years to find cures for humankind, but there are better and more humane ways of finding these cures, and these tests cause nothing but misery for the animals. Even so, there are a number of reasons that animal testing is a terrible idea. One of the main wrongs of animal testing is that it is inhumane. What it means is human beings killing other beings. In “Animal Experimentation And Testing: A Pro/Con Issue,” Geraldine Woods provides factual...
Words: 1412 - Pages: 6
...kill animals! ‘’Thousands of animals are killed per annum to check out new medicine or procedures on them to envision if they're safe or effective’’ (Animalequality). The result with animal testing is that we've several new medicines that facilitate save several our lives and keep United States functioning properly. Although it's going to kill several animals within the finish it's a sacrifice we've to decide on to form for the higher of our race. It’s additionally higher to use animals than its humans. There is also no alternative to using other than using animals for testing. Living systems like persons and animals are extraordinarily complicated. Finding out cell cultures in a very Petri dish, whereas generally helpful, doesn't...
Words: 1432 - Pages: 6
...you feel if you were locked in a cage, with people coming and going, experimenting on you? Would you feel good? This is what actually happens to animals. I believe that animal testing is horrible and should not be continued. Why this is important is because of my reasons, that are: first it is expensive; second that it is inaccurate; and my third and most important reason is because animal testing abuses an animal rights. My first reason why I think animal testing is bad is because it is really expensive. According to Vittana “... the total cost of caring for a dog could be over $9000 per year.”. That is only a possibility, and only that, but the cost could still be well over $500, which is the least amount required, and even though...
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...Is testing drugs on animals wrong? The ethical issue of animal testing is an area that has very divided opinions on whether is right or not. However some people are not sure about the issue and may agree with it in some circumstances, but not in other ones. Support for animal testing: The major and general argument for testing on animals is hat as humans we are more important/ superior in turn making are action ok. As long as the testing will lead to an advancement which may save lives the suffering of the animals is completely justified. Many people are completely against the idea of cosmetics being tested on animals however support the testing of medicine on animals. Another reason why people support animal testing is that it helps prevent...
Words: 602 - Pages: 3
...Every year in the United States there are millions of animals used for experiments that harm or kill the animals in the name of science. They are harmed or killed by private institutions, household products, companies, government agencies and scientific centers. Doing animal testing is downright mean and animals shouldn't be treated badly or be caused pain for sake of human safety or experiments to cure diseases. Many people argue that humans are not necessarily superior over animals. Why should animals be treated as lab rats and made to suffer so that humans are safe? What is animal testing? What are the pros about animal testing? What kind of testing scientists do to animals? What is it used for and why are we doing this? According to About Animal Testing is a phrase that most people have heard but are perhaps still unsure of exactly what is involved. Whether it is called animal testing, animal experimentation or animal research, it refers to the experimentation carried out on...
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