Patient: Mr. Brown
Cholesterol Panel Results
May 31, 2016
Good afternoon Mr.Brown, today we will be going over your results from your
cholesterol panel, which is from the blood work we took at your last appointment. I will read you your
results and then we can talk about what your results mean and what needs to be done. Mr. Brown your triglycerides level is 145mg/dL . Triglycerides are the main form of fat in
your body. They are used for energy, however when there is a lot of triglycerides the body will hang
onto them and use them later. Which can build fat in your midsection. A big risk of having a high
triglyceride level is a condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is when your arteries narrow and
harden, while fat builds up in them. This increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Mr.
Brown your triglycerides level is normal, however it is close to falling into the borderline high level,
which is between 150mg/dL and 199mg/dL. Your cholesterol level is at 210mg/dL, which is in the
borderline high level of between 201mg/dL and 220mg/dL. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is
circulated through your blood. Cholesterol comes from two sources, your body and the food you eat.
Cholesterol is mainly made from your own body, a small portion of cholesterol comes from the food
you eat. Your liver is responsible for producing cholesterol, however your small intestines and cells
also produce a small amount of cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, the good and the bad.
That is where the LDL which stands for low-density lipoprotein and HDL which stands for high-
density lipoprotein come in. To much of one and not enough of the other put you at a high risk for
heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Your LDL (the bad)level is 160mg/dL, which is in the