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Scene Analysis: Gordy And His Land Rover

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Pages 3
In the opening scene you see adult Gordy sitting his Land Rover, he is a plane of dry, dead, light brown grass, with green pine surrounding near by. He sits quietly and looks as if he is searching his mind. It slowly introduces the atmosphere and a kind of calm energy. Gordy eventually comes to say “I was 12 years old when I saw a dead body”. His tone somewhat icy yet confidently informative. As he is reminiscing two boys run past playing along the car tire marks in the plane of grass. It then fades into memories of when Gordy was 12.

The movie starts with a long shot to set the scene of wear Gordy is, the lighting is very bright and natural, looks like a nice warm day. An eye level camera shot aimed at gordy to show his facial expressions to present his emotions .The camera zooms in on the a particular newspaper article to give the viewer and understanding of why he is reminiscing of times past. The article reads “Christopher Chambers fatally stabbed in restaurant” an old mate of Gordy’s. This is why Gordy has driven back to this place, because it is where him and his mates went on a journey of a lifetime. …show more content…
The music gives a kinda bliss vibe to match the warm lighting and open atmosphere. This also adds to the shock when Gordy is to say that he first saw a dead person at 12 years of age.

The cyclists make the transition from the present to the past. As they ride off into the distance the camera pans along and follows them as it fades into Gordy’s memories when he was with his mates on the same path. I path that took him on a journey that lead him to seeing his first dead body. It is really well done transition as it just smoothly runs into Gordy's memory.

Gordy’s voice over is in place to give the viewer his understanding when reflecting on his past memories. It give an inside view of his and his mates feelings as he explains what they were going

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