...Management Accounting Environment Introduction Every organization small, medium and large needs someone to be in charge of day to day activities that is going to be responsible for decision making, planning, controlling, directing personnel, outlining organization structure and will be responsible for taking strategies in competitive advantages. In today’s business environment, corporate organizations need to take every advantage they can to remain competitive due to highly increasing competition in the market, i.e. electronics commerce ( e-commerce) and introduction of new technology day by day. Customers need specialized products and service and accurate information convening product they are purchasing, product availability, order status, delivering time. Shareholders expect greater value from their investment and accurate information of the financial status of the company. This new competitive environment requires companies ability to create value for their customers and to differentiate themselves from their competitors through the formulation of clear business strategy. In today's business environment, knowledge is power so business strategy must be supported by appropriate organizational factors such as accounting information systems, organizational design and effective manufacturing process Management Accounting deals with provision of information inside the company - that is, the process of identifying, measuring and forecasting, analyzing, interpreting...
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...Khartoum Primary School Project Loay Dirar Project Management/Risk Management Expert Loay.Dirar@gmail.com 1 Contents Page 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Local Expectations 3 3.0 KPS Location 4 4.0 KPS Project Scope Statement 4 5.0 KPS Project Plan 7 6.0 KPS Project Execution Plan 12 7.0 References 22 8.0 Appendix 23 9.0 Abbreviations 24 2 1.0 Introduction In recent years, an increasing number of Sudanese and expatriate families with young children have moved into Greater Khartoum joining an already established larger community of families. A number of schools have been established catering to the youngest generation, such as the Unity School, Khartoum Grammar School and recently Khartoum International Community School. Yet there has been a consistent flow of complaints against these establishments ranging from the ridiculously high fees of some to the low quality of overall education services. Therefore establishing a primary school is a major step forward for the Local Council in taking into account the needs of families with young children and would help stem the flow of these families with young children away from our community abroad. According to projected figures and the experience of other schools, a primary school could be operated profitably after the initial startup period. It would provide a local option for the early childhood education for Khartoum’s growing community of small children...
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...NOW AVAILABLE AT http://suppliers.safeway.com/canada/ CANADA SAFEWAY SUPPLIER HANDBOOK Copyright © 2003 – 2011 Canada Safeway Limited. All Rights Reserved. TO SAFEWAY SUPPLIERS, I am pleased to present to you Canada Safeway’s revised Supplier Handbook. This handbook has been designed to provide you with all the necessary forms to initiate business with Canada Safeway Limited. The handbook outlines what your responsibilities are, as well as what your expectations of Safeway should be. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook, as it provides the blueprint for our combined success. Sincerely, CANADA SAFEWAY LIMITED Bill Sexsmith Vice President, Sales CANADA SAFEWAY SUPPLIER HANDBOOK Page 2 Revised 10/31/11 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHO IS SAFEWAY ................................................................................................................................................ 4 RETAIL MARKETING SOLUTIONS CANADA, INC. (RMS) ................................................................................. 5 THE CATEGORY SHELF AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM............................................................................... 5 SECTION 1.............................................................................................................................................................. 6 NEW ITEM PRESENTATIONS .............................................................................................................
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...Report on Book Chapter Series in Chapter 3 Transaction Processing EAST WEST UNIVERSITY Course Title: Accounting Information System Course Code: ACT 430 Sec: 01 Submitted to Nikhil Chandra Shil Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted by Name | ID | Md. Saiful Islam | 2011-1-10-293 | Md. Sariful Islam | 2011-1-10-286 | Saad Abduallah | 2011-1-10-362 | Sakil Ahamed Dip MD.Khanzarul Islam | 2011-3-10-149 2011-1-10-428 | Date of Submission: 25th November, 2014 November 25, 2014 Nikhil Chandra Shil Bachelor of Business Administration East West University Subject: Submission of report on Accounting Information System in chapter 3. Dear Sir, We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and support you have provided us during this course of this report. Without your help, this report would have been impossible to complete. To prepare the report we collected what we believe to be most relevant information to make our report as analytical and reliable as possible. We have concentrated our best effort to achieve the objectives of the report and hope that our endeavor will serve the purpose. The practical knowledge and experience gathered during report preparation will immeasurably help in our future professional life. We request you to excuse us for any mistake that may occur in the report despite...
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...Operational processes - these processes create the primary value stream, they are part of the core business. Typical operational processes are Purchasing, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Sales. 3. Supporting processes - these support the core processes. Examples include Accounting, Recruitment, IT-support. A business process can be decomposed into several sub-processes, which have their own attributes, but also contribute to achieving the goal of the super-process. The analysis of business processes typically includes the mapping of processes and sub-processes down to activity level. Activities are parts of the business process that do not include any decision making and thus are not worth decomposing (although decomposition would be possible), such as "Answer the phone", "produce an invoice".» A business process is a systematic approach of the enterprise, where its activities are examined as revenue generating and value adding transformations of material (all forms of money included), services and information. Again from Wikipedia: «Business Process Management (BPM) is a field of knowledge at the intersection between Management and Information technology, encompassing methods, techniques and tools to design, enact, control, and analyze operational business processes involving humans, organizations, applications, documents and other...
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...UNIVERSITY, IGBESA, OGUN STATE PGD ACCOUNTING ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT “A SYSTEM FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN THE CONCEPTUAL PHASE” BY ADENUGA OLUFEMI SOLOMON MATRIC NO: PG14/05/005 JUNE 2015 ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF INVESTMEST “A SYSTEM FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN THE CONCEPUTAL PHASE” ABSTRACT The conceptual phase of capital projects is of strategic importance – an economic evaluation at this early stage is critical to the owners’ decision-making with limited information. The current study developed a comprehensive but practical system that can be used in such an early phase for economic evaluation of capital building construction projects. The system integrates four analytical steps: (i) Project planning, (ii) Construction costs estimation, (iii) Projection of incomes and expenditures and; (iv) Economic evaluation. Due to the integration, the system effectively manages the information flow from the planning to the evaluation, in which any changes from the initial plan are fully accounted for multiple alternates. In the system, users predict construction cost using a combined estimating method with historical project data and assembly costs. The system performs the tabulation of all incomes and expenditures based on the automated calculation as well as users’ inputs and then the economic evaluation based on project cash flow, which is generated using an automated scheduling method. System performance has been tested in terms...
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...United States Government Accountability Office GAO February 2009 GAO-09-232G FEDERAL INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTROLS AUDIT MANUAL (FISCAM) This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC 20548 February 2009 TO AUDIT OFFICIALS, CIOS, AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN FEDERAL AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTROLS AUDITING AND REPORTING This letter transmits the revised Government Accountability Office (GAO) Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM). The FISCAM presents a methodology for performing information system (IS) control 1 audits of federal and other governmental entities in accordance with professional standards, and was originally issued in January 1999. We have updated the FISCAM for significant changes affecting IS audits. This revised FISCAM reflects consideration of public comments received from professional accounting and auditing organizations, independent public accounting firms, state and local audit organizations, and interested individuals on the FISCAM Exposure Draft issued on July 31, 2008 (GAO-08-1029G)...
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...Balochistan University of information techonology engineering and management sciences | Implementing Strategic Management | APPLE Inc. | Rabia Iftikhar 12285 | MBA 5th B | Jun 24, 2013 | | | | | | Ma'am Mehwish Shahid Think Different ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise and thanks to “ALLAH” Almighty, the one testing us all at all times and making decisions about what we don’t know and can’t know. The report being submitted today is a result of collective effort. There are innumerous helping hands behind who have guided us on our way. Writing this report appeared to be a great experience to us. It added a lot to our knowledge. This report is one of our memorable experiences in student life. Though words are inadequate in offering thanks to our teacher but we owe our profound gratitude to Ma’am Mehwish Shahid for stimulating our creative abilities by assigning this project to us and for her able guidance and useful suggestions, which helped us in completing the project in time. Whatever we have learnt from her and this project report has put indelible impression on our minds and it is our conviction that this learning experience will always be a source of help in our practical life and professional career. Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our beloved parents, for cooperation, help, kindness...
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...| Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics Masters of Business Administration Factors influencing the Profitability of Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia Abraham Redi I.D. No. 1444/07 Section I Submitted to: Matios Ensermu (PhD) Presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the course Business Research Methodology (MGMT601) December, 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia I. Table of Contents Chapter One ……………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of the Study 3 1.3 Statement of the Problem 5 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Objectives of the Study 7 1.5.1 General Objective of the Study 7 1.5.2 Specific objective of the study 7 1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study 7 1.6.1 Scope of the Study 7 1.6.2 Limitation of the Study 8 1.7 Significance of the Study 8 1.8 Operational Definitions 9 1.9 Organization of the paper 9 Chapter Two ……………………………………………………………………………………...10 2 Literature Review 10 2.1 Measures of Bank Performance/Profitability 10 2.2 Factors Influencing Bank Performance/Profitability 10 2.3 The influence of Bank-specific factors on Bank Profitability 11 2.3.1 Capital Adequacy 11 2.3.2 Assets Quality 12 2.3.3 Management Efficiency: Operational Costs Efficiency 12 2.3.4 Earning ability: Diversification of Income 13 2.3.5 Liquidity 14 2.4 The Influence of Industry-specific Factors...
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...CORE CONCEPTS OF Accounting Information Systems Twelfth Edition Mark G. Simkin, Ph.D. Professor Department of Accounting and Information Systems University of Nevada Jacob M. Rose, Ph.D. Professor Department of Accounting and Finance University of New Hampshire Carolyn Strand Norman, Ph.D., CPA Professor Department of Accounting Virginia Commonwealth University JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. VICE PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER SENIOR ACQUISITIONS EDITOR PROJECT EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR SENIOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION EDITOR MARKETING MANAGER CREATIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES SENIOR ILLUSTRATION EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR MEDIA EDITOR COVER PHOTO George Hoffman Michael McDonald Brian Kamins Sarah Vernon Jacqueline Kepping Dorothy Sinclair Erin Bascom Karolina Zarychta Harry Nolan Wendy Lai Laserwords Maine Anna Melhorn Elle Wagner Greg Chaput Maciej Frolow/Brand X/Getty Images, Inc. This book was set in 10/12pt Garamond by Laserwords Private Limited, and printed and bound by RR Donnelley/Jefferson City. The cover was printed by RR Donnelley/Jefferson City. This book is printed on acid free paper. Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of knowledge and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Our company is built on a foundation of principles that include responsibility to the...
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...people with the aim of turning unorganized elements in effective and productive force. In other words, management is human possibilities through which leaders use resources to achieve strategic and tactical goals of the organization. Manager - independent profession with its own professionally-specific tools and skills, is clearly different from other professions. Encourage was achieved by the employees themselves, relates only to the trade Manager, and all other professions perform special tasks, but not task Manager. Manager is a person who has a great special training and have achieved results through other people. This is a recognized leader of any team. In the economy are formed, operate and develop various objects as state social control and management of horizontal market structures. The main objects of public administration are public property, social infrastructure, and others, as well as collective property. Private, private...
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...CHAPTER Total Quality Management Before studying this chapter you should know or, if necessary, review 1. 2. Trends in total quality management (TQM), Chapter 1, page Quality as a competitive priority, Chapter 2, page 5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter you should be able to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Explain the meaning of total quality management (TQM). Identify costs of quality. Describe the evolution of TQM. Identify key leaders in the field of quality and their contributions. Identify features of the TQM philosophy. Describe tools for identifying and solving quality problems. Describe quality awards and quality certifications. CHAPTER OUTLINE Defining Quality 138 Links to Practice: General Electric Company; Motorola, Inc. 140 Cost of Quality 140 The Evolution of Total Quality Management (TQM) 142 The Philosophy of TQM 147 Links to Practice: The Walt Disney Company 150 Links to Practice: The Kroger Company; Meijer Stores Limited Partnership 153 Quality Awards and Standards 159 Why TQM Efforts Fail 162 OM Across the Organization 162 Inside OM 163 Case: Gold Coast Advertising (GCA) 166 Case: Delta Plastics, Inc. 167 136 000 DEFINING QUALITY • 137 E veryone has had experiences of poor quality when dealing with business organizations. These experiences might involve an airline that has lost a passenger’s luggage, a dry cleaner that has left clothes wrinkled or stained, poor course offerings and scheduling at your college, a purchased product...
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...mathematical approach to problem solving 1.1 Man science process • Observation - Identification of a problem that exists in the system or organization. • Definition of the Problem - problem must be clearly and consistently defined showing its boundaries and interaction with the objectives of the organization. • Model Construction - Development of the functional mathematical relationships that describe the decision variables, objective function and constraints of the problem. • Model Solution - Models solved using management science techniques. • Model Implementation - Actual use of the model or its solution. 1.2 Factors of production Natural resources i.e. crude oil Capital i.e. investors Labour i.e. technical and academic Entrepeneurship i.e. takes capital and link labour and natural resouces combined with risk to provide goods and services. Knowledge i.e. to determine wants and needs quickly and to respond to them with products and services. 1.3 3 Most NB Economic systems = Capatalism, Socialism and Communism 1.3.1 Capatalism Free market system Built on principles of private ownership Is based on the right to make a profit, right to compete and the right to own property. System is market driven and the solutions to a country's economic problems are left to the market forces to solve. 1.3.2 Communism Centrally controlled system Based on the ideas of Karl Marx nd Friedrich Engels. All assets belong to the people All people must work in order to receive goods...
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...CHAPTER Total Quality Management Before studying this chapter you should know or, if necessary, review 1. 2. Trends in total quality management (TQM), Chapter 1, page Quality as a competitive priority, Chapter 2, page 5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter you should be able to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Explain the meaning of total quality management (TQM). Identify costs of quality. Describe the evolution of TQM. Identify key leaders in the field of quality and their contributions. Identify features of the TQM philosophy. Describe tools for identifying and solving quality problems. Describe quality awards and quality certifications. CHAPTER OUTLINE Defining Quality 138 Links to Practice: General Electric Company; Motorola, Inc. 140 Cost of Quality 140 The Evolution of Total Quality Management (TQM) 142 The Philosophy of TQM 147 Links to Practice: The Walt Disney Company 150 Links to Practice: The Kroger Company; Meijer Stores Limited Partnership 153 Quality Awards and Standards 159 Why TQM Efforts Fail 162 OM Across the Organization 162 Inside OM 163 Case: Gold Coast Advertising (GCA) 166 Case: Delta Plastics, Inc. 167 136 000 DEFINING QUALITY • 137 E veryone has had experiences of poor quality when dealing with business organizations. These experiences might involve an airline that has lost a passenger’s luggage, a dry cleaner that has left clothes wrinkled or stained, poor course offerings and scheduling at your college, a purchased product...
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...WHITE P APER Big Data: Trends, Strategies, and S AP Technology Sponsored by: SAP Carl W. Olofson August 2012 Dan Vesset THE DAWN OF THE INTE LLIGENT ECONOMY The intelligent economy has arrived. The convergence of intelligent devices, social networking, pervasive broadband communications, and analytics is redefining relationships among producers, distributors, and consumers of goods and services. The growth in volume, variety, and velocity of data has created new challenges and opportunities. The information access, analysis, and management challenges of the intelligent economy can overwhelm organizations unprepared for the emerging changes. In this environment, it is not only access to data but the ability to analyze and act upon it that creates competitive advantage in commercial transactions, enables sustainable and secure management of communities, and promotes appropriate distribution of social, healthcare, and educational services. It is not only access to data but the ability to analyze and act upon it that creates competitive advantage. www.idc.com P.508.872.8200 F.508.935.4015 In This White Paper This IDC white paper discusses the emerging technologies of the Big Data movement. It breaks out these technologies according to their most effective roles and use cases. It also discusses why Big Data has become so important at this time and how Big Data can help enterprises reach their business goals. It considers the challenges created by Big Data and how they can...
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