Since managers have to play many roles, they have to have certain characteristics. Show EXHIBIT 13, and discuss each of these characteristics. Discuss distinctive characteristics mat a research manager should have, considering mat research places unique demands on managers. Use examples from your own organization to discuss these characteristics and how they influence the style of management. Emphasize that managers must have the ability to define the relationship of their group's activities to overall organizational goals. They must be sensitive to the legitimate contribution of their efforts to the organization, as viewed by superiors. They must be aware of new options and possibilities, and constantly re-assess the results of previous activities in relation to potential opportunities. Note that managers' skill mix tend to change as they advance within me management hierarchy.
At this stage, it is useful to reiterate the distinctive features of a research organization. Show EXHIBIT 14. As key figures in creating the style and effectiveness of the organization, research managers must constantly be aware of their relationship with the organization.
All managers operate within an organization structure. The structure prevents individuals from deviating too far from the purpose of the organization and introduces stability into intra-group relationships by reducing uncertainty. It must be understood that human behaviour operates around an authority system within an organization. EXHIBIT 15 outlines the manner in which decisions are made and supported within an organization.
Conclude the session with a discussion of management as a profession. Show EXHIBIT 16. By discussing the function of management in the context of a profession, you will introduce the concept of level of excellence, established and monitored by a peer group. This is important, for it gives an