Schooner Amistad, Dred Scott v. Sanford, and Albeman v. Booth were three court classes that had a major significance in impacting the status of both free and insullted Blacks in the United States. In the Schooner Amistad case Africans slaves onboard the Schooner La Amistad rebelled and killed the captain of the ship. After killing their captain they then demanded going back to Africa, but instead they ended up near Long Island, New York. The result of the case was that the transporting was going against many laws and treaties. The court ruling was that these men were free and that they were just fighting for their freedom. The Schooner Amistad case played a major significance because this gave Africans this gave the right to take any measure possible to secure their freedom. Dred Scoot v. Sanford was another court case that had a major significance on the United Stated.…show more content… Sanford was a Supreme Court case that took place in the year 1847. Dred Scott argued that while being with his owner in different territories where slavery was barred made him a free man. The result of the case was that Dred Scott was not a free man. This case played an important significance because the court also ruled that Congress did not have the right to say what territories slavery was regulated in. Another court case that played a major significance in the United States was the Albeman v. Booth court case. The Albeman v. Booth court case took place in the year 1859. This court case occurred because Booth helped a slave escape. By Booth helping the slave he was going against the Fugitive Slave Act. The Fugitive Slave Act was an act passed to "capture and return escaped slaves to their owners"(346). The significance of this case was that any slaves who were free could be brought back to be inslaved and those who attempted to escape would be brought