“Above all The Tempest demonstrates the value of an ordered society” consider this in the light of your reading of Dr. Faustus. * Ordered society, through transition from magic to power, disorder to order.
The Tempest; * the storm of the sea (William Strachey’s eyewitness account of a shipwreck in the Bermudas) -> the calmness and serenity of the island
* the disorder of Miranda’s life, no love, abuse from Caliban -> then finds love with Ferdinand
* the disorder of Prospero, how he was usurped by his bother -> everything becomes orderly again, when Prospero spreads forgiveness
* Ariel’s life is disorder as he is trapped and kept prisoner -> then he is freed and order is restored
* Caliban is full of disorder and doesn’t know how to be in an ordered society -> then he wants to seek forgiveness and favour
* Prospero uses magic to manipulate -> he decides not to use magic anymore
Dr Faustus; * Faustus wanted to know more, his life to him was disorderly, and selling his soul to the devil created more disorder -> when he dies order is restored, the debt is paid and the agreement is fulfilled * Return to order by Faustus being dragged to hell
“cut is the branch that might have grown full straight.” – Dr Faustus, warns the audience of the dangers of magic.
“I’ll drown my books” – The Tempest (Prospero), returns his magic to nature, showing the movement to earthly power rather than repenting fully. Mirrored in Faustus “I’ll burn my books”.
“burn” shows return to order with the black magic returning to hell.
Return to order with the Chain of Being (natural order of the metaphysical world – Being (God), Realm of BEING (Angels, Actuality, Demons, Man, Animals (Realm of BECOMING) Plants, Potentiality, Minerals, (Non-Being) ) – Caliban does not know where he fits into this ‘Chain’.
Other writer’s views/interpretations:
Bacon – ‘Of Love’, lust is shown as dangerous, but married love is a positive thing.