Environmental concern of MOSE
Venice is a historic place, together with its lagoon, one of the Mediterranean’s most important wetland. This is remarked by the UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1987.
UNESCO organizes all the worldwide assistance for the Venice since from the November 1966 flood.
Venice is area for plants, fish and birds, some of which are already endangered. Every year near about 200,000 birds, which are winter, nest or pause here in their twice year migration. One could say that lagoon has a remarkable value for the Venice.
Local national and international groups have raised the issue regarding the bad affects of MOSE project on lagoon environment. the major among these are world wildlife fund, LIPU(the bird people),RAMSAR(international wetland protection),Italia nastra and some local citizen groups simply called “NO MOSE”
The construction of the dam can imbalance the lagoon’s environment. Italia nastra summarizes the concern. The deepening of the channel to accommodate the cement frame for the caissons has already increase the tidal flow. The erosion can take place along the walls of the dam. this as the dangerous thing for the marine species.
Here is also the great concern regarding physical impacts of material used for the construction, if we see specifically, the caisson’s zinc plate as well as the anti-fouling paint, which are mixture of TBT compound, assorted heavy metal and solvents these all are toxic elements. The periodic renewing of the paints will contribute another dose of this stuff for the environment.
So we have said that MOSE project faces the many environmental concern. So to resolve this one, ultimate plan should be develop to decrease the impact on environment.
• http://iamnotmakingthisup.net/category/problems/ • http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/nov2002/2002-11-14-01.html