...Antigone vs Otheelo: women In the plays “Antigone” by Sophocles and the Shakespearean tragedy “Othello” written by William Shakespeare, the themes that’s being portrayed are honour and gender, through the play the audience if captivated by the characters choices and motives through the play. With the characters choices they help to make the play more understandable as the audience can recognise the tragic hero in both the plays. The relationships between men and women in Othello are remarked as lesser then men. Iago often refers to his wife as a prostitute - "A house wife that by selling her desires, Buys herself bread and clothes (iv.i.95)” showing what type of relationship women and men had during the late 16th century. Women were generally considered obedient, respectful, kind and warm. They were never outspoken nor were they meant to, for it could be seen as a lack of loyalty. When Othello accused Desdemona of cheating on him, he found himself in a position that he didn't want to face with. Othello was emasculated with the thought of a woman disobeying him. Men were easily manipulated into thinking the worst of woman because they were certain it would never happen. However, when the slightest things start to be pointed out the characters start to over analyse. Woman were not on the same level as men; men talked down to woman, they didn’t see them as equals nor think that they should be treated like one. This relates to Othello and Desdemona’s relationship – she “betrayed”...
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...1 |(a) |A music signal with frequency components from 50 Hz to 21000 Hz is Frequency modulated. If the maximum allowed frequency deviation is 50 kHz i) What is the modulation index? ii) What is the signal bandwidth using Carson’s rule? | | |[10 Marks] | |2 |(a) |Draw the block diagram for a Superheterodyne Receiver | |[10 Marks] | |3 |(a) |Explain the operation of the Superheterodyne Receiver | |[10 Marks] | |4 |(a) |The five basic characteristics that determine the quality of a receiver are Selectivity, Sensitivity, Signal to noise ratio, | | | |Stability and Fidelity. Explain what is meant by any three of these. | |[10 Marks] | |5 |(a) |A 200 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a 10 V peak-to-peak...
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...Anna, Hr director, unilever, had just returned from the meeting with top corporate management. The meeting was dedicated to the recent transaction – acquisition of the large state-wide leading ice-cream manufacturer.This transaction had been prepared, estimated and planned for a long time before and finally colleagues were celebrating the successful close-out. anna was also quite happy with the changes. even though she was not a key decision-maker on inmarko acquisition she earnestly believed that this expansion would grant unilever new business opportunities in Russia. would now become a member of unilever family. in fact the merger of two companies was a demanding challenge for anna. Differences in corporate cultures, excessive inmarko headcount, deeply rooted diverging organizational concepts – all that could result in certain integration issues. anna was not expecting swift and easy wins. Moreover, she actually preferred complex tasks over simple ones. she was well poised for careful planning and productive scrutiny. Anna already had a positive experience of integrating a new plant into the company some time ago. i n case with i nmarko u nilever management granted a nna almost unlimited powers related to integration of two companies cultures on one condition: as a result the planned synergy effect from merger should be attained. The following operating indicators should be reached with account for merger of both companies’ resources: improved cost efficiency...
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...qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile is important. Omivorios dfkhs tuehwrw jhabgdsghkldf sdhwksjgfh qwhfghkwfdbk sdfsf Life cchile...
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...Fjaldkfjhal alkjdhfklajsh jkasdhfhsdjkf jadkfhlksjhf kjasdfhkljsdhf jalkdfhskjdhfs jdkshfjkdf jdjfkhalsdkhf jhdlfkajhdsjklf jhadlksjfhlsdkjfh jkdhalkdsjhf Sadfadsfadsfadf aljdhfksjldhfd jkahfdlkjfh fklajhsflkajdhsfk lakjhdfjksh Safdsfsdfadsfadsf aldhfjlksjd jflasdkjhf hjlkjhsadf hlfakdsjhf jhladsjfhlkdsj Dads jlkadhflksjdhf ljfhadlskjhf dlaskfjh lkjh ajhlsdjkf hfjh lkjhadsklh lk Fdsfajklhkdjh jlkahldkjfh ahljh lkjh jhaldfh jh klajdhf jha lhjadljh kjdhflkj hlaks Sdfaadfadfa hjlflaksdjh jh kljhf kjlhlkasjh lkjhfdk jhlkj hkjah kljhklja hklajsdf Adfsdafa aljhdsfkjl h hjlaksdjfh klj jhdkaljf lkj jhalkj h jhadhf lkjh jhaljk hkl Dadfadf ajkdhf kljjlkajhdskfj jh lkjahsd ajlkhalkjsd lkajsdhf lkjk jhalkdsjhf Adfadf sdfdsf sdfdsf sdfsfs fd hfgshhfgh sfhggfh ytr sdfgsfg ljkahdskjfh jhklaksdjhf hfdaslkjhf ljhfklasdjhfkl jhkjfh kjfhkaldsjh kljhfldkj hlkjfh lkjhfaldjhf lkjhdfkljsdh kljhflk jhkldfjhsl khl kjhlfkjadshf lkjadhsfljhajs lh kjhdflkjdshf ljkfh kljhfaklsdjhf klajhdlkfajshfjkl hkljdsafhkj hdlaksjfh ljkashkl jfhsafldh lkjdhfklsjdfhkl jfhkjdh kljajkdfhjdlksh kjhfieuiwuehbvd...
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