Intersectionality within feminist discourse has always been important to discussions of inequality and working towards solutions. Intersectionality is the way in which different identities, and therefore discriminatory systems, are intertwined and cannot be disconnected from each other. This is why it is so important to use intersectionality when employing the feminist perspective. From our class readings, most of the authors use many examples of intersectionality in their analyses. The books Lucky and Conquest, as well as the excerpt from Half the Sky, all include these examples. The author of Lucky makes very careful descriptive choices in her novel that utilize intersectionality. In the section “Prohibition and Prostitution” from Half the Sky, the authors devote their writing to another form of…show more content… She discusses the mental health after effects of rape and the trauma that she experienced. Through discussing this, she is making a small step in combating ableism towards people with mental health issues. Her reactions are very normal among victim-survivors of sexual assault, as noted in Reddington and Kreisel. Almost half of victim-survivors medicate after an assault and this also includes some people who self-medicate (90). Even though it is a slightly smaller section than the rest of the chapters, it is necessary because it helps normalize reactions that someone may have after they have been raped. It is helping to erase the misconceptions and the stigma around those reactions, which is in the direction of solutions around judgements of responses after sexual assault. Some people may have judged the drug use and her dropping out of school, but she still talks about it which I believe is very intersectional. In addition to the intersectionality, she validates others who may have had the same outcomes as