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Security Assessment and Recommendations


Submitted By mitso22
Words 907
Pages 4
SE571 Principles of Information Security and Privacy
James Smikonis
Week 3 Project
March 18, 2012
Professor George Danilovics

Security Assessment and Recommendations

A report needs to be assessed for Aircraft Solutions. This report consists of a security assessment that exhibits all founding flaws in their system, as well as giving AS a report regarding their current infrastructure.
Aircraft Solutions is a component fabrication and equipment company that delivers different architectural designs. One of their specialties is establishing communications and solutions to defense, commercial, aerospace industries. The employees at AS are fully qualified for the tasks they entail hence making their workforce more efficient and supplying outstanding service. The purpose of this assessment is to investigate the weaknesses that are presented in the operations of Aircraft Solutions (AS). While conducting this assessment, we will expose vulnerabilities; give an analysis of any relative threats, risks that will be addressed and a comprehensive analysis of the relative threats and consequences pertaining to this mission.
Assessment and Investigation
After carefully examining the three sections pertaining to Aircraft Solutions, we found that policy and hardware related issues require special attention. We found that Aircraft Solutions does not utilize any firewall between the commercial division and the Internet Gateway. In fact, we exhibited that the Department Defense routes their traffic through their Headquarters, while the Commercial Department directly connects to the Internet. This is considered as a red flag that MUST be addressed. A vulnerability in the security policy, that we considered as a red flag is that the routers and firewall rule-sets are assessed and audited once every couple of years.
We believe that the routers and firewalls should be in

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