For marketing purposes, the product V8 V-fusion®+ Energy can be divided into many segments based on the possible customers who would benefit. These segments can be defined using geodemographic and psychographic segmentation methods. Each of the three most relevant segments are described in the following text. The first segment involves women between the ages of 25-30. These women are single, very active and looking to settle down. They are very health-conscious and tend to spend a great deal of time working on their image. The women of this segment typically have a household income of $45,000 to $65,000 and cherish the value of a good bargain whenever they see one. They prefer to purchase items that will benefit their female identity but will spend a great deal of time looking for the most cost-efficient products. Being that these women maintain such busy lifestyles, this product would be great for them as they are “on the go”. The homes of these women also possess many features that are modern and convenient such as Keurig machines, so this product would fit in quite well with their other kitchen products. The women of this particular segment work in an atmosphere that constantly keeps them active. Their benefit from this drink not only includes a simple packaging but the drink itself contains ingredients for a boost in energy, which may appeal to the market substantially. These women value the latest trends in healthy meal choices, especially those that are said to improve vitality. Their positive opinion of products such as green tea and vitamins allows them to be drawn toward the ingredients listed in a can of V8 V-fusion®+Energy. The second segment includes women of the age 18-25 who like to be included in the newest trends and fads. They are extremely motivated by anything that not only provides a boost of energy but looks great in the