...The Road To Ending Segregation Barbara Pritchard HIS 204: Historical Awareness Professor Kimberly Hornback September 26, 2011 The road to ending Segregation The road to ending segregation was a long and hard move for the South. In the 1800s-1900’s segregation was enforced to keep African Americans separated from whites. During this time African Americans had to deal with the symbols of what was called Jim Crow’s, (Whites Only and Colored Only) signs; which are found today in museums, old photographs, and documentaries. Now since an African American has been elected President of the United States, a person could say segregation seems as old-fashioned and distant as watching an old black and white television. Although, the major challenge is to explain the reasons for the legacy of segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights, that African Americans worked to end. The best way to describe the shape of the United States in the second half of the 19th century, “according to eminent historian Robert Wiebe, the answer was isolated island communities,” (Bowles, 2011, Section 1.1, Para 1). Wiebe used the symbol of the island because cities were very much separated and isolated from each other and had a weak system of communication between them. The time came, after the divisiveness and devastation of the Civil War, when the nation searched for order economically, politically, geographically, and racially. Although, emancipation came during...
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...The case of Plessy v. Ferguson served as a catalyst for the implementation of “separate but equal” segregation laws that were deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court and which profoundly divided White and Colored America throughout the late 1800’s to mid 1900’s. Freshly out of the Civil War, Black America gradually sought after more forms of freedom after the bondage of slavery was destroyed. While Black males especially were granted more citizenship liberties through the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, just when they thought White America could evolve into an accepting and open-minded society, all efforts were shut down by the Jim Crow laws. That is where the Plessy v. Ferguson case starts, the Supreme Court’s endorsement...
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...In the early 1950's Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other African Americans as well as White Americans fought together for a cause that was against Segregation and the Jim Crow Laws. They were feeling the effects of racism from the Civil War back in the 1800's. African Americans were not being treated kindly, neither were the White Americans who befriended them. Those who fought against the Jim Crow Laws weren't just fighting to be rebellious against the nation, but they were fighting to be free of an unjust unconstitutional law that was established and enforced by our Government. When I say they were "fighting" that law I do not mean they were actually throwing riots and chaos everywhere they went. They were more so doing peace rally's. They had peaceful sit-ins, they drove a bus around the country, they had conferences and speeches. They were not doing what today's rebellions are trying to justify as "peaceful". They still stood for the Red, White, and Blue. They obeyed civil laws, they did not kill, nor did they light towns on fire. The MLK group only wanted others to feel love for them, to accept them into society, and to be treated as real Americans with real...
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...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 16th Century – 19th Century | I found this excerpt from Robert Francis Engs from the Macmillan Information Now Encyclopedia: The history of African American slavery in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first coincided with the colonial years, about 1650 to 1790; the second lasted from American independence through the Civil War, 1790 to 1865. Prior to independence, slavery existed in all the American colonies and therefore was not an issue of sectional debate. With the arrival of independence...
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...Assignment 1.2: Research Paper Industrialization after the Civil War Shana Dukes History 105 Professor Tracey M. Biagas February 3. 2014 Introduction Industrialization after the Civil War was a period where Industrial city were being built, there were jobs for people and the political aspect was having corruption. In this paper the main points in this paper discussed the major aspects of the Industrialization Revolution, such as groups that were affected by the Industrial society, and the affects the life of the average working American. While the Industrial Revolution was a great turning point in the history of mankind, it led humanity to great technological advancements, middle and lower class, African American rights, woman equal rights, and many others. Three Aspects of the Industrial Revolution Three major aspects of the Industrial Revolution during 1865 to 1920 influenced society, economy, and politics. Society was a major aspect of Industrialization because companies were being built, railways was distributing goods to different states (Arrington, 2013). Also, a lot of people were moving from the South and farm areas to the Northern urban areas. Iron and steel had become more vital to the Industrialization of America, and the United States was becoming more Industrialized and less agricultural (Gilder Lehrman Institute, 2009). The society worked in factories to earn money; they also worked at steel plants, and other jobs. Society played a major aspect...
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...War. (OE) Some of the efforts to abolish slavery in this country were unsuccessful. Document 1A shows a petition on behalf of the enslaved in 1777 in which they are asking the government of Massachusetts to gradually outlaw slavery. While it is nice that they are organizing to abolish slavery, petitions like these were rarely taken seriously by the government and ultimately did little to change the conditions for the enslaved. Document 2 shows another unsuccessful effort. Document 2 is a letter from an enslaved person trying to organize an armed rebellion in the mold of Nat Turner’s rebellion. Again, it is incredibly brave of the enslaved to want to take up arms against the institution of slavery, but rebellions such as these in the early 1800’s did not work and in many cases led to those involved being treated even worse or ultimately executed for their involvement. (Doc 2) Document 3 is another example of an unsuccessful effort to abolish slavery. Document 3 is an excerpt from the 1850 Compromise. The Compromise of 1850 was an agreement between the North and the South in which California would be admitted as a free state and in return the South would be able to pass incredibly strict runaway slave laws which would permit slave catchers to come to the North to capture runaway slaves. Those who helped runaway slaves on the Underground Railroad, which was a system of routes that helped the enslaved escape to the North and to Canada, could be imprisoned or fined for their involvement...
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...Craig Cannon History 0874 Prof. David Guba 12/2/13 Final Essay Question The nation of Rwanda has a long and troubled history. It can be considered an experiment of colonization, a slave state to European nations, and even an inferior population living under another nation’s law. Germany and Belgium left their roots in Rwanda and Burundi, another nation developed after the independence the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s won in 1962. The well-known genocide of Rwanda that began in 1994 erupted for many reasons. However, after closely examining this countries fascinating history, one can see that the mass Genocide of 1994 was a result of European influence towards the Hutu and Tutsi people. Looking back to the 14th century, when the Tutsi first arrived in Rwanda one can begin to see how the Hutu-Tutsi relationship began to form. The Tutsi people invaded Rwanda from the southern nation of Ethiopia. The Tutsi people were taller and thinner in appearance than the Hutu. During their entire history of their time in Rwanda, the Tutsi never exceeded a quarter of the population. When the Tutsi warriors first entered Rwanda, they were well outnumbered but still prevailed victorious. By the 15th century, the Tutsi’s had gained complete rule. The Hutu people were given protection and their lives were spared as long as they gave the Tutsi rulers crops and cattle. The political structure that had been established, with Mwami in charge, (Tutsi elitists) allowed this type of deal to be worked out. Mwami...
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...eBooker T. Washington Cause and effect essay Booker T. Washington was born in Franklin County Virginia in 1856. Born and raised by an African American mother whose name was Jane but, ignored by a white father whom he never met (Gates). Booker T. Washington was born directly into slavery, however, during the civil war; his family was freed from slavery but not from racism (WV Culture.org). Harlan states, at the age of nine, he carried on the role of an adult and worked the salt furnaces and coal mines in West Virginia. “Determined to educate himself, he traveled hundreds of miles under great hardship until he arrived penniless, exhausted, and filthy at the Institute of Hampton” (Wormser). WV Culture.org also states, after Booker T. Washington graduated in 1875 at the age of nineteen, he returned to Malden to teach school for both black children and adults. During his time of teaching, Harlan claims, that he became one of the most powerful speakers and leading black educators of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mr. Washington was considered a leader in the black community because of his experience as a child with being born into slavery 2634531, secondly, he dedicated his self early to become educated, and final, he strategized a method that would serve both whites and blacks to come to a mediator for through his speeches without force but more so with persuasion. Mr. Booker T. Washington was an intelligent man who knew how to put his education to good use to gain improvement...
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...Australian culture has been shaped by two disparate ideologies, the initial white Australia policy, and the current policy of multiculturalism. The white Australia policy comprised legislation designed to safeguard Australia as a nation reserved for white residents, whereas multiculturalism is a process that constructively integrates cultural diversity into the national identity. This essay argues that the white Australia policy has had a significant impact on Australian culture and continues to overshadow the success of multiculturalism. First, this essay explains the motivations and legislations that established the white Australia policy, and the subsequent effects on early Australian society. Next, it discusses the discarding of the white Australia policy and the implementation of multiculturalism. Finally, this essay assesses the impact of the white Australia policy on contemporary Australian culture. During the late 1800s there was public and political discussion as to Australia’s future as a white nation (Bulletin 1886). This was prompted by the frequent racial tension and sporadic violence between white settlers and Chinese immigrants. The 1901 parliamentary debates concerning immigration show that although a belief in white racial supremacy was predominant, commercial concerns and fears of invasion were also involved. For example, some members extolled the superiority of a ‘snow-white’ Australia (Commonwealth of Australia 1901 pp. 4626, 4648, 4666). Whereas, other...
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...7. How important is the concept of “race” for understanding contemporary Malaysia? Introduction The concept of race as defined by Rex and Mason is “an essentially biological concept based on distinctive sets of hereditary phenotypical features that distinguish varieties of mankind” (1986, p. 189). In Malaysia however, race is oftentimes used to mean ‘ethnicity’, which is incorrect as ethnic groups are sub-divisions of a particular racial stock differentiated by history and cultural practices (Rex and Mason, 1986, p. 189). Nevertheless, the concept of race is an important one in understanding how it has shaped the politics and society of Malaysia. In this essay I will explain how Malaysia’s colonial past and affirmative action policies has contributed to the formation of a society divided along racial lines and how that has created racial tensions among the ethnic groups of Malaysia. Malaysia which touts itself as a ‘plural society’ is a country constituted by different race/ethnic groups, the three largest being the Malay, Chinese and Indian groups. As of 2010, the Malaysian population consists of 28.3 million people, with 91.8% Malaysian citizens. The Malaysian citizens are made up of 67.4% bumiputera (translated as ‘son of the soil’, a group composed of predominantly ethnic Malays along with various other indigenous tribes and native groups), 24.6% Chinese, 7.3% Indians and 0.7% Others (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2010). With so many different ethnic groups within...
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...The United States criminal justice system, an outwardly fair organization of integrity and justice, is a perfect example of a seemingly equal situation, which turns out to be anything but for women. The policies imposed in the criminal justice system affect men and women in extremely dissimilar manners. I plan to examine how gender intersects with the understanding of crime and the criminal justice system. Gender plays a significant role in understanding who commits what types of crimes, why they do so, who is most often victimized, and how the criminal justice system responds to these victims and offenders. In order to understand the current state of women and the way in which gender relates to crime and criminal justice, it is first necessary to provide a comprehensive analysis of the historical evolution of women in the criminal justice system and the affect that the different waves of feminism have had on policies and practices towards women in this system. I plan to argue that the criminal justice system is another form of patriarchal control, a sexist organization which creates conflict between the private sphere of a woman's life and the public. This control extends far beyond the just incarcerated women, it affects all women. Despite the fact that there have been changes to certain policies and prison regulations, though made with resistance, none of the changes have been for the better. By looking at past and present situations as well as the differing feminist perspectives...
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...Barbara Jeanne Fields Slavery, Race and Ideology in the United States of America Two years ago, a sports announcer in the United States lost his job because he enlarged indiscreetly—that is, before a television audience—upon his views about ‘racial’ differences. Asked why there are so few black coaches in basketball, Jimmy ‘the Greek’ Snyder remarked that black athletes already hold an advantage as basketball players because they have longer thighs than white athletes, their ancestors having been deliberately bred that way during slavery. ‘This goes all the way to the Civil War,’ Jimmy the Greek explained, ‘when during the slave trading . . . the owner, the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so he could have a big black kid, you see.’ Astonishing though it may seem, Snyder intended his remark as a compliment to black athletes. If black men became coaches, he said, there would be nothing left for white men to do in basketball at all. Embarrassed by such rank and open expression of racism in the most ignorant form, the network fired Jimmy the Greek from his job. Any fool, the network must have decided, should know that such things may be spoken in the privacy of the 95 locker-room in an all-white club, but not into a microphone and before a camera. Of course, Jimmy the Greek lays no claim to being educated or well informed. Before he was hired to keep audiences entertained during the slack moments of televised sports events, he was...
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...Test 1 (Ch 1-2) ANSWERS | Judge J. D. Langley | Govt 2305 | | 1. Ch01-001-p002 The Jamestown settlement was funded by c. The London Company. 2. Ch01-002-p004 The Preamble to the Constitution begins a. "We the People . . ." 3. Ch01-003-p005 Which of the following is the best explanation of why most American Indian reservations are in the West today? b. European settlers and the U.S. government pushed Indian tribes westward. 4. Ch01-004-p006 Enlightenment thinkers argued that the world could be improved through b. human reason, science, and religious toleration. 5. Ch01-005-p007 The House of Burgesses was c. the first representative assembly in North America. 6. Ch01-006-p008 A social contract theory of government was proposed by d. Locke and Hobbes. 7. Ch01-007-p009 Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government sets out a theory of e. natural rights. 8. Ch01-008-p010 Congress's authority to check the president's judicial appointment power is a concept that can be attributed largely to the ideas of d. Charles-Louis, the Second Baron of Montesquieu. 9. Ch01-009-p010 Why was indirect democracy a necessary alternative to direct democracy? b. It became increasingly difficult to bring all the colonists together in the decision-making process. 10. Ch01-010-p010 Aristotle attempted to devise a way to classify governments. Critical to his analyses was knowledge of d. whom citizens were ruled...
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...the “Organized competitive activity between participants that requires some combination of skill and physical prowess.”1 Though, something more complex and unusual also comes with activity of this nature, and this is the ability to forget the destitution and difficulty of everyday life and the capability to be on a level playing field with many people that believe the same way, no matter what socio-economic class they represent. One sport in particular has transcended all other games, has continually been a psychological shelter from pain and hardships of life, and also a cultural rocket breaking through the social barriers in the American society. That sport is simply the most beloved American game of all, baseball. The purpose of this essay is to critically explore a myriad of aspects of life that have been changed due to sports, all the while concentrating on baseball as the main focal point. Further, this work will continually pose the question of how it is conceivable that a single and simple sport could greatly impact a country the way baseball has the United States. At the time of the first foreign inhabitants of North America, life was more difficult than someone of the twenty-first century could have imagined. The hardships were endured by every colonist nearly twenty-four hours a day, with little to relieve their minds of the complexities of early American life. Nonetheless, there was at least one aspect of life that offered them the ability to escape the perennial...
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...Preface: The Generation In the preface, Joseph Ellis takes his time in explaining the importance of the American Revolution. He starts off by stating that during the 1780’s everyone thought that it was only natural that America verge away from British rule. They all figured that it would be a gradual change; not a full blown revolution. Throughout the chapter, Ellis puts great emphasis on the many things that could have gone wrong during the revolution. He points all these negative events and set backs that he felt could easily have brought the developing America down to show just how great of an accomplishment the revolution was. The Founding Fathers were not completely oblivious to the severity of breaking away from Great Britain. Tom Pain states that, “it is only common sense that an island can not rule a continent (pg.3).” Many assumed that it was only natural that the thirteen colonies govern themselves. They figured that it would be a peaceful break such as the gaining of independence for Ghana or Canada. It was not until later on that the colonies realized that Britain would not easily hand over the land. What I find interesting is that only the Founding Fathers seemed to realize the great events taking place during their time. John Adams even instructed his wife to file and keep all of his records. It is as if he knew that hundreds of years from then, we the future Americans would look back at his notes and recognize his greatness. This makes me wonder why they...
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