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Selecting a Discipleship Message


Submitted By agboifo
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Selecting a Disciple –Maker’s Message

Table of Content Page
Introduction 1
Principles that impact Curriculum 2
Impact of the Principles on my message 4
Conclusion 5
References 5

According to Mitchell, Constructing a program or curricular plan to communicate the substance that produce disciple-followers, well trained followers and well educated students imitates the model established in Hebrews 12:1-3, by the Heavenly Father who lays out a course over which his disciplined children race. To support this assertion, Mitchell explored four principles that have an impact upon our understanding and implementing a curriculum.
This combination of divine modeling and human endeavor is summarized in 2 Peter 1: 19-21
“We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
In this paper, we will review the sources and form of a disciple-maker’s message, while reflecting on upon 2 Peter 1:19-21, 1Corinthians 1-2 and Romans 15:18 and attempt to establish how the four principles mentioned above along with the message from the passages will impact my next selection of a message/lesson for a discipleship venue.
Principles that Impact Curriculum
To better our understanding of the principles that impact curriculum, we will examine some definitions of key terms that describe important factors in the development of Curriculum. These terms are Curriculum, Content, Message and Program. Without a closer look, and in-depth definition, we may be tempted to think that these terms mean the same. Mitchell, quoting Marlow (1994), explains that the term curriculum itself comes from the Latin currere referring to “a course” or “a running” . He also defines content of education as the subject matter and materials that give substance to our endeavors and are contained in our lessons’ messages , while the word message is derived from the term missive, referring to something sent, such as a letter . My understanding from these definitions is that the content of any message is better prepared and delivered if the person responsible for preparing and delivering the message has a plan, or follows a course or runs on a program. To buttress this assertion, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a program as “a brief usually printed outline of the order to be followed, of the features to be presented, and the persons participating (as in a public performance)” or “a plan or system under which action may be taken toward a goal” . The goal in this sense is achieving the spiritual development of our followers. Establishing such goals enables us as leaders measure the impact of the programs and plans that are established. Barna, admits that the absence of real measures of personal growth testifies to our concern about style over substance and to our commitment to action instead of impact .
In this vane therefore, Mitchell came up with four major principles as follows;
a. The first principle is the paradoxical process that involves both narrowing and expanding the parameters of a curricular plan. He believes that the content of a good curricular plan should be restricted in order to fulfill specific goals, and at the same time expanded to include all of the activities in which a target followership or audience is engaged in, such that every experience of they have should be perceived as part of the course raced toward the goal of a disciple who worships Jesus .
b. The second principle is that of “preach what you practice” . The normal idea of practice what you preach presupposes that a leader would create a discipleship program and then base his living style on that program. However this second impacting principle captures Jesus’s style of preaching what he does, as referenced by Luke the Evangelist, in Acts 1:1; Jesus “began to do and to teach”. According to Mitchell, in constructing his curriculum, Jesus transmits that which he has personally practiced and experienced in life .
c. The third principle is that practice provides preparation. This supposes that “practice” that is preached also provides the groundwork essential to personal development and preparation for future ministry. According to him, God utilizes jobs we had once despised, people who had irritated us, painful encounters we endured, and lessons we had learned from both study and experience to prepare our life for service. For “in all things God works for the god of those who love him.” ( Romans 8:28)
d. The fourth principle is the scope and sequence organizing principle. Mitchell opines that the selection of the simultaneously restricted and enhanced content determines curriculum scope, and the related issue of sequence requires some additional coordinating principles. Different approaches are used by curriculum specialists in organizing for curricular activity. They include chronology, complexity, theory or thesis and pedagogy. Chronology looks at things from historical events, complexity explains that simple concepts lead to more complicated ones, while Theory or Thesis is literature to be studied and used appropriately. Pedagogy is the approach that moves from personal experiences to more remote events, or from concrete to abstract; event-process cycle.
Impact of the Principles on my Message
We have reviewed the sources and form of a disciple-maker’s message, and explained some key terms and the four principles that impact curriculum. While reflecting upon 2 Peter 1:19-21, 1Corinthians 1-2 and Romans 15:18, how will these four principles mentioned above impact my next selection of a message/lesson for a discipleship venue.
It is clear from experience and of cause from the scriptures that no authentic message is entirely the creation of the messenger, but rather an inspiration from God. As earlier quoted, 2 Peter 1:19-21 declares this point. This means that a deep reflection and meditation on the word of God and a clear understanding of the principles above will enable me prepare an authentic message. My message will be primarily and strongly based on the scriptures, but will adopt the Pedagogy approach to organizing my scope and sequences. I will use personal experience to explain abstract or remote events and also buttress scriptural provisions. Like St. Paul expresses in Romans 15:18, “for I will not dare to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me to lead the gentiles to obedience by word or deed.” Just like him, I believe that God accomplishes things through me so I can use them for the propagation of his good news.

The bible teaches us that every scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and if used in Spirit and in truth, forms the strong bases for our Christian relationship, first with God, then our ministry. Therefore in planning out a message, it will be with the foundation that God has chosen me to be a vessel for his mission. I will thus listen to him, and also bring into play my experience. To be candid, I have helped in talking with distressed persons, have used personal experiences and what happened in my past to relate to the message God is giving. Like Mitchell wrote, “will be Christ centered, Bible-based, Pupil-Experienced, Others-related, Family-focused, Socially-applied and Evangelistically-concerned.”

Dr. Michael R. Mitchell, Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples: World-Class Christian Education in the Church, School and Home (Nashville: CrossBooks Publishing, 2010).

Barna, George. Growing True Disciples: New Strategies for Producing Genuine Followers of Christ. Colorado Springs, Colo.: WaterBrook Press, 2001.

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