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Submitted By pinski2
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Imagine someone in this world today who doesn’t have self-reliance. Self-reliance is very important to a man or woman’s confidence. The difference between being self-reliant and not self-reliant can also be the difference between someone who makes a difference in this world versus someone who is a bystander. Even a person who doesn’t make a huge difference in this world can live a less stressful life by being self-reliant. The opposite of this is someone who conforms to everyone else’s behaviors and doesn’t have a strong opinion or impact of this or her own. In order to live a successful life one needs to be self-reliant. Along with these self-reliance a person will also live with inner peace and happiness, trusting his or her self.of self-reliance. Emerson makes some very good points about non-conformity and the negatives that can come with it.
In Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” essay, he believes that self-reliance is the unbreakable trust in one’s own intuitions. He states this when he says, “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,—that is genius” (3). He believes that if a person believes that his or her belief is true for everyone, then that person is self-reliant, and in his eyes, that makes this person a genius. Emerson also believes that it can be hard to be self-reliant because of today’s world and the harsh society that it harbors. An example of this is when he says, “For non-conformity the world whips you with its displeasure” (6). His belief is that if someone has strong trust in his or her own intuition, which is known as self-reliance, then they will not conform to something. Now in return a person might feel displeasure from society’s reaction. However at least that person can be happy that they didn’t let the world around them break their self-reliance. There are many benefits of being self-reliant. Emerson believes that with self-reliance comes confidence and individualism. His belief is that humans should be trusting of their own opinion, rather than conforming to authorities beliefs that they don’t agree with. Consequences of not being self-reliant can be very detrimental. Emerson believes that low self-esteem and no confidence is something that comes from not being self-reliant. For the most part I believe Emerson’s ideas are accurate. I say this because if a person isn’t self-reliant then in my opinion he is just a lost puppy. If someone lives their whole life conforming to everyone else, rather than have a unique component to themselves and being confident, then they will always follow and never have a component of individualism. This person will never have uniqueness in their beliefs, and therefore will have a hard time feeling good about themselves. Contrary to this I do believe we need followers in this world. However, if it gets to a point where all someone does is follow, then in return they will have low self-esteem because they never experienced the feeling of sticking up for their intuition and doing what they want.
I have personal experience in my life. When I was in 8th grade we had our annual Christmas church service that the students put on. The time came when our principle needed to choose the main speaker for the service. Of course everyone was conforming to each other and no one wanted to do it. I told myself, no one will step up so why don’t I just do it. I learned a great lesson from this as I absolutely enjoyed the feeling of doing something like that. I would recommend everyone to do the same, as it will help with being self-reliant.
There are many positives and negatives with self-reliance. Too be a confident man or woman an individual needs to be self-reliant. Any person who lives a self-reliant life will trust their own intuitions, and in return won’t hide behind their beliefs. Instead of being a lost puppy, they can be a confident human being that sticks up for their beliefs, trying to make a difference. Rather than just conforming to this world and getting by.
Emerson makes a very valid argument when he says, “For non-conformity the world whips you with its displeasure” (6). It is his belief that if someone non-conforms in a society where conforming is known as the norm, then they will in return be mentally and possibly physically beat up. With his harsh words “whips you with its displeasure”, he is clearly making a point that it can be a tough life for a non-conformer. With his many very valid arguments about self-reliance I believe this one is the best. This is because in today’s society that we live in, the greatest reason for someone not being self-reliant is the fear of the world displeasuring you. One thing that I believe is that self-reliance needs to be done within the basic Christians morals in today’s world.
In today’s society it is believed by so many that someone has to be doing the norm. In my personal experience I have seen trending styles that make a wide range of people my age believe they have to wear that kind of clothing. I have personally seen people get made fun of because they are not wearing the same “cool” clothing that the other person is wearing. Even college aged students can see this happening. By a person not conforming to what the normal attire would be, they will experience displeasure from others. In this certain situation I believe the person who isn’t wearing normal clothing, needs to be proud and happy about it. In regards to Emerson’s self-reliance that individual shouldn’t care what other people think, after-all it’s their life and they should live it with self-reliance.
An individual starting up a business on their own is another example of being self-reliant. However, in today’s world it is believed by so many that one should go to college and get a job. This might not always be the best for self-reliance, in regards to doing what “you” want to do and trusting “your” own belief. For example there is someone who drops out of college and starts up a business. In return that person will feel great deals of grief from people thinking their trying something that is not possible. The self-reliance one may use in this situation can pay off in the long run. If it doesn’t work out, at least that person can be proud that they went against the norm and tried something everyone else is too scared to do. It is the self-reliance that this person attains that will lead him/her to be happier in life today. This person is one that won’t allow to be pushed around by others, even if there is displeasure along the way.
Another example of non-conformity and displeasure is prisoners. In today’s world we have government and society that teach people to conform to each other and obey the law. When someone doesn’t follow this they can commit crimes that will end them up in jail. In return prisoners are experience the whipping of displeasure from non-conformity. However, in this case I believe that the whippings of displeasure are for a good reason. There is a certain act of non-conformity that cannot be accepted. Especially when it leads to self-reliance in an insane way.
Another important topic to discuss are government officials and their decisions. When a government official comes up with an unorthodox plan that he believes could work, he/she can receive negative feedback. So negative to the point of death threats. For example Barack Obama was elected by the democrats because they believed he was the best chance at winning the election for their side. Americans hadn’t seen a black president to this point so a lot of people are whipping this decision with their displeasure. Even to the point of death threats towards Barack Obama. The self-reliance of this decision has paid off for Barack Obama and the democrats as he was re-elected and will serve 8 years as the president of one of the most powerful countries on earth.
Lastly, what happens when a self-reliant person is wrong? A consistent truthful self-reliant person should admit that he or she is wrong. Building off of their wrong decision they should forget about it and not let it harm their self-reliance. As humans we are not perfect. When someone is wrong they should admit respectfully that they are wrong, and move on with their life. Meanwhile, not letting the fact that they were wrong, affect their humble self-reliance.
Non-conformity can be a positive and negative thing when it comes to self-reliance. Being self-reliant is a good thing as long as it is within the basic morals of life. Self-reliance is key to having control and happiness to your life. A person will experience many difficult things in this world when they are not conforming and being self-reliant. However, it is the self-reliance within that person that will make them feel happy and unique about their life, and not worry about what the conformists think. In return it can pay off to great dividends, and if it doesn’t, the self-reliance in someone will be happy that they tried, and move on knowing they didn’t do the “norm”.

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