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Senior Member Experience

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Alumna Relations Team & Chapter Engagement
Katherine-Rae Cianciotto Director of Chapter Services Kate Shipley Alumnae Engagement Coordinator
Senior Member Experience 1 ___________ Today’s Student 3 ___________ Brainstorming and Idea Sharing Agenda

Changing Demographics
Finances and Access
Racial composition of students attending college has shifted over time.
While the percent of white students graduating from high school is expected to decrease, the percent of Latino and those with two or more ethnicities will increase.
Diversity and inclusion is main topic of conversation on campuses and will impact our chapters and discussions among members.

Finances and Access
Cost to attend college continues to increase and financial …show more content…
Move Over Millennials …Here Comes Generation .. Focused on building practical life skills.
The Girl’s Guide
Customizable programming to meet specific needs and interests.
Alumna engagement component.
Collaboration with Content Specialists.
Kappa’s Senior Member Experience Part of Every Member Education, the Senior Member Experience provides the foundation for members to build practical life skills and help them transition to alumna status.
This year, each senior will receive a book as her senior gift. The Girl’s Guide is cheat sheet for post-college years and addresses issues such as mastering money, placating overly anxious parents, social media etiquette, finding an apartment, and defriending someone.
At the beginning of the year, seniors will have an opportunity to complete a survey to determine what topics are relevant to them. Furthermore, they will identify two educational opportunities they’d like to have.
Throughout the year, they have six meetings, including educational presentations, a senior activity, and alumna education.
This is one area your team can play a role. Take the time to promote alumna engagement and the importance of connecting with an alumna association after

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