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Sexaul Assault Case Study

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Pages 4
In 2014 from a crime data reported by colleges, states that 91 percent, of 11,000 students, that there was no reports of rape, which is statistically improbable (“Biden to speak”). There are also reasons for the victims to not report the crime such as: unsure if the assault is serious enough, or if anyone would believe them, or fearful of punishment due to drinking, or it would be too emotionally difficult for them to report the crime (Natasha Singer). Victims of sexaul assault are in a state of confusion and denial. If and when a sexaul assault case happens on campus, the campus administrators are involved in the whole process (The Hunting Ground). Why would colleges and universities lie or cover-up sexaul assault cases and stistics? According …show more content…
Often times the victims are pressured to rethink the event and find the times that they were at fault (The Hunting Ground). The essentives towards mishandling these cases is money. When cases do not get filed they do not go public and alumni will continue to donate and trust the campus (The Hunting Ground). Also if sexaul assault cases go unreported the warning sign for new students is left down. The Department of Education Office for Civil Rights is investigating 175 cases involving sexual violence at 146 postsecondary schools of administrators mishandling thier student’s sexaul assault cases (Natasha Singer). Colleges have a finacial responsiblity to keep sexaul assault numbers low, this inforces the under reporting of …show more content…
Vice President Joe Biden considers himself a women's activist person, since he wrote Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (“Biden to speak”). Biden has recognized the issue and so has the Obama administration, on sexaul assault on college campuses ("Obama launches new effort). The “It’s on Us” campaign has broken down the four problems of sexaul assualt on campuses ("Obama launches new effort). They are as follows: Identify the specific problem on college campuses, engage men in prevention measures, correct responds to assault where it is reported, lastly, enforce laws and respond to sexaul assault cases ("Obama launches new effort). Dartmouth, University of Michigan and Bates college, are a few of 200 colleges who have signed the new campaign (“Biden to speak”). This campaign is different and modern to the fact that it has the involvement of men, whom are statistically the majority of assailants. Sexaul assualt on college campuses is not nearly publicized as it should be but is finally becoming recognized with

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