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Submitted By MINDGAMES
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Task: Research the right to vote for women in your country! MP 4
Criterion A- Knowing and Understanding and B - Investigating
This is a research based assignment so make sure that you find as many good sources as possibly. The basic information which you need to include is: 1. Cornell notes (three sources, minimum) 2. 1 A4 information sheet. (minimum)
3. Important year/s of the movement in your specific country. 4. Background knowledge e.g. the political situation of the country that you are researching; e.g. was there a war, independence or revolution at the time? 5. Was there a movement/group that supported the cause of women’s right to vote? Or were there specific women who issued a campaign? 6. Names, photos and basic facts of the people involved in the campaign. 7. Bibliography

Be prepared to present this information to the rest of the class on:______________.

The right to vote for women in Singapore!

Birth of Singapore: Singapore was founded in 1863 by Sir Stamford Raffles. It was a colony of the British Empire that existed from 1943 to 1963 when it became part of Malaysia. It was made a separate Crown colony of Britain in 1946, when the former colonies of the Straits Settlements were dissolved.
Economy Situation in WW2:
The economy of Singapore had hit a major blow in 1946 as there were shortages of food (especially rice) that led to malnutrition, diseases and rampant crimes and violence. This led well into 1947 as workers went onto a series of strikes causing massive stoppages in public services and transport. By the late 1947, the economy had begun to recover due to the growing demand of rubber and tin around the world. But it took several more years before the economy was back to pre-war levels.
Political activist and campaigner for women’s rights: Chan Choy Siong was a campaigner for women’s rights and a pioneering politician. At the age of 23, she had joined the People’s Action Party (PAP) only five months after the party was inaugurated in October 1954. The People's Action Party is a political party in Singapore. It is currently Singapore's longest-ruling party. In the 1957 City Council election, at the age of 26, she successfully stood for election as the PAP candidate. Two years later, Singapore had been granted full self-government and voting was compulsory. Choy Siong had won the Delta seat for the PAP. She was one of five women, four of whom were from the PAP, elected to the Assembly. During the 1950’s, women were still knows/considered as second class citizens. In 1955, they had received full voting rights but still lagged behind men in many different areas. They were denied education and plus jobs were harder to get. Even though they were employed, women ended up paid less than men. Choy Siong had found this unacceptable and vowed to make a change in equality of women. She formed women’s subcommittees in the PAP branches and led the PAP Women’s League, the predecessor of the PAP Women’s Wing. This led to the Women’s Charter to be enacted in 1961. Chan Choy Siong retired as a member of parliament in 1970 and her life was tragically cut short in 1981 when she died in a car crash.

Post War Statistics: Post World War II, Singapore had witnessed crucial nation-building decisions to make. On the 18th of July, 1947, two years after the end of the Japanese Occupation, women were given the right to vote and stand for elections. At present, there is a low presence of female participants in the political arena. Statistics show that around 23.5% (2012) of women were part of the parliament, 71.3% (2010) of females over 25 were having secondary education and 56.5% (2011) were women in labour force.

Sources: 1. - "Singapore." : Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide & Travel/Holidays/Cities. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.

2. - "Colony of Singapore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

3. - "Women in Singapore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

4. - "The Honoured Inductees to the SINGAPORE WOMEN'S HALL OF FAME."SINGAPORE WOMEN'S HALL OF FAME. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

5. - "People's Action Party." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.

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