Statement of intent:
I have written this persuasive speech about shark culling, finning and cruelty to sharks to hopefully educate people and inform them with the actual facts and truth. To bring awareness to the important issue of shark culling and over - fishing and to change people’s views on these stereotyped creatures. To convince people to not listen to anything they see or hear on the media about sharks because it is very biased information and not aimed at solving the problem or creating a long term solution, rather to evoke people’s fear of sharks and to make them more scared when swimming in our oceans. It is aimed at the general population of Australia and anyone who would go swimming or indulge in water- based activities in the ocean and along the coast. This is also targeting anyone who has ever eaten shark fin soup without a second thought of the suffering that was caused to make it.
As an ocean lover and surfer, I strongly believe that shark finning and culling is an important issue relevant to society today. Most of the population has not been properly informed about the situation and I am here today to hopefully change your views on sharks. By the end I would like you all to see them in a different light and hopefully agree with me when I say that shark culling is unnecessary and inhumane and shark finning is barbaric and cruel.
Shark finning, for those of you who are unaware, is the removal and retention of shark fins and then the discard of the carcass into the ocean. The shark is almost always alive when it is tossed back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark slowly sinks toward the bottom where it starves to death, is eaten alive by other fish, or drowns. Can you all just take a moment to imagine if humans weren’t the tops of the food chain, if we didn’t have total dominance over every other living thing on this Earth. Imagine if