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Shay's Rebellion Summary

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In the book Shay’s Rebellion by Leonard L. Richards the author clearly supports that the Shay’s Rebellion of 1786 and 1787 fundamentally changed the American nation towards a stronger national government. Richard’s new found set of data allows for a more detailed and accurate depiction of the Shay’s Rebellion than any other before stated version. Richard’s explains the use of this data to observe the participants of the rebellion, the causes and the outcomes all in a socioeconomic stand point. The book Shay’s Rebellion by Leonard L. Richards is about the subject of the armed uprising in Massachusetts that occurred in the summer of 1786 through the winter of 1787, called Shay’s Rebellion. Shay’s Rebellion was started by a western Massachusetts farmer named Daniel Shay who was a …show more content…
Richards set of data led him to discover that most of the participants of the rebellion were from Hampshire county in Western Massachusetts. However, other participants spread through out counties of Massachusetts but were not evenly represented like that of Hampshire County. While some towns had no Shays at all, other towns had very few to a great many. This is illustrated in the book by the comparison of data of participants from Hampshire County versus Berkshire County. Richard’s data also gathered that not all shaysites were poor or indebted but some were from prominent families in their counties, some participants were from local militia and some were Revolutionary War veterans. This brings back an important point made by Richards in the book Shay’s Rebellion that Shay’s Rebellion was sparked by back country farmers of Massachusetts but was supported by those that were against tyranny. The Rebellion gave these citizens that were not poor or indebted the opportunity to express their disdain for oppressive

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