Florida Supreme Court has put medical marijuana on the November general election ballot. If the proposed constitutional amendment passes by at least 60 percent of the vote, state health officials will have to sort out many details before patients can legally obtain pot. Some specifics, however, are outlined in the proposed amendment. The main concern is the fact of how this amendment approval is going to work in Florida, especially when 23 (including Washington D.C) of the 50 states already had legalized the marihuana.
There are some people that supports this amendment with the idea of bring a new alternative or alternative medicine to patients with diseases such as Cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Crohn's disease (those are all specified within the amendment). However, there are some others that believe that this amendment is going to work as a vehicle to use marihuana in an unsafe and unregulated way, therefore it is important to consider other facts like the experience in other states that has legalized the pot. California, as an example, have already long time with the approval, and is just as easy to see the results, that only one search on YouTube for “how to get credentials for medicinal marijuana” is needed and the videos are going to provide the answers.
The facts that this is very useful for some people, and the fact that this might be a way for others to get legal the “recreational use” of pot are two points of view that also Human Resources Department and employers in general have to be worry about. When analyzing amendment 2 approval and its consequences, is important to evaluate all the considerations involved in order to set a posture in this situation: 1) Insurance:
The cover of incidents related to Marihuana would be up to the insurer. The amendment does not require coverage.