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Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Marry


Submitted By klaird90
Words 2105
Pages 9
Should Homosexuals be allowed to Marry?

Kelsey Laird

PHI 103: Informal Logic

Prof. Gloria Zungia y Postigo

July 16, 2013

Marriages are said to be a legally recognized relationship, established by civil or religious ceremonies, between two people who vow to love one another till death do them part. Usually, marriages take place between a man and a woman, in love. However, the world is changing and more people are coming out to be homosexuals, who cannot make this legal vow to love their partner till death do them part. The United States is called the land of the free for many reasons, but if it is supposed to be free then it should be free for everyone, not just selected people. This argumentative paper will discuss both sides of homosexual marriage and reasons on why it should be legal and why it should not be legal.
Every person born in the United States is born with civil rights which may include: race, religion, and sex. Having the option to marry the person you love is a right given to you at birth. Homosexuals, however, are being discriminated against due to their relationships with people of the same sex. Ferguson (2007) quotes

“So, one common argument for gay marriage is that government denial of the legal right to gay marriage deprives gays and lesbians of access to the social sanction and status that marriage confers, and hence to full adulthood, rights to familial or joint property and inheritance rights, and full citizenship” (p. 40).

To summarize what this says is that when the government denies these rights to individuals, we are stripping away their individuality or them as a whole, and saying that they are not true citizens because they are individuals who chose to date people of the same sex. The argument here is about homosexuals, and their civil rights. These rights were meant to be for everyone, making this a free country.

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