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Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported

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Pages 4
Why do illegal immigrants risk everything by trying to get in the U.S.A? They come in hopes of a better life, so they don’t have such a risk of being killed or the victims of other crimes, as a higher crime rate is quite common in central America and South America countries. Deportation also separates family members from each other, children from a parent, or children from both parents in some cases. Illegal immigrants that haven’t committed serious crimes shouldn’t be deported, instead they should have a path to citizenship instead of being forced to go back to the dangerous situations they started in.
Deporting illegal immigrants will separate families, takes parents from children, and have lasting psychological effects on them. Parental deportation can have effects on children and long lasting harm can occur at emotional, economic, developmental and academic levels. The economic and social instability of having illegal status is worsened by having a deported parent. The second report states that economic hardship is highly prevalent following a parent deportation, because losing a parent eliminates a source of desperately needed income. Children with deported …show more content…
Illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native born Americans, and this is because illegal immigrants are scared of deportations, and are more cautious because of it. Evidence does not support the idea that illegal immigrants commit a disportionate amount of crime as some people suggest, and they are no more a threat than the normal citizen. Illegal immigrants kids commit crime at the same rate that US born citizens do, meaning they don’t pose more of a threat than the normal citizen. Illegal immigrants don’t want to be deported and try to be cautious to not break laws and as a result, they commit less crimes than the normal citizen once they are in the

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