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Submitted By km892001
Words 5300
Pages 22
Oya Erdil & Ay e Günsel Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey

While there has been growing interest concerning the relationship between human resource (HR) practices, firm strategy and firm performance, limited research attention has been paid providing empirical evidence in support of them. This study investigates the relationships between HR practices, human resources management (HRM) - firm strategy fit and the firm performance of 63 small and medium sized firms located around Kocaeli and Gebze from both theoretical and empirical perspective. The findings indicate a strong relationship between different HR practices and HRM-firm strategy fit and firm performance. Further, the results provide support for the assertion that HR-firm strategy fit can significantly assist a firm in improving performance. Therefore, empirical support is obtained for the efforts at aligning HRM practices with firm strategy and firm performance.

(recruitment, development, etc.) share the same basic character and play a similar kind of role in relation to strategic management (Luoma, 2000: 771). Effective HRM strategy systematically organizes all individual HRM measures to directly influence employee attitude and behavior in a way that leads business to achieve its competitive strategy. (Huang, 2001: 134). In view of the fact that the goals and necessities of each of the competitive strategy types are different, the management of the human resources of the firm should be in line with the firm's overall strategy. This means that HRM carries the promise that if people are regarded and managed as strategic resources, the firm can obtain a competitive advantage and thus achieve superior performance (Heijltjesa and Witteloostuijn, 2003: 33). Accordingly, there has been a

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