...Edward Ehnow William Hargis Scott Hall NETW471 Advanced Topics Networking Professor Lawrence Awuah 2/14/2016 Table of Contents Business profile 3 Overview of project 4 Tasks/Critical Tasks 5-6 Work Schedule 6 Milestones 7 Resources 7 Tasks 7-8 Initial Public Offering 8-9 Employee Impact 9-10 Training 10 Management 10 Customer and Clients 11 Improvement & Concerns 11-12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Business Profile Premiere Install Movers is located in Grand Prairie Texas. With a 40,000+ sq foot warehouse, they are able to provide storage needs for different size offices, as well as new product ordering and installing. Premiere is able to work directly with the customer, with trained and professional project managers. From moving down the street or moving to another city, they are able to provide everything that is necessary for your move from beginning to end. Overview Main functions of the company are to help assist in any size office move you may have. Either moving out old furniture and installing new, or just relocating the whole office building. Premiere processes all invoices, ordering and consulting in house. The internal workflow for the...
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...P1 Describe different types of teams and the benefits of teams for an organization What is meant by the term teams? There are multiple ways to describe the term team, which involve a group of people with different skills and tasks, work together on common project, services or goals fusing skills together for mutual support. Teams operate with a high degree of independence, sharing authority and responsibility of self-management working towards a common goal and shared rewards. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy which generates a performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members. • Formal Formal teams or groups are created deliberately by managers and charged with carrying out specific tasks to help the organization achieve its goals. The most prevalent type of formal group is the command team, which includes a manager and all employees who report to that manager. In some organizations that want to de-emphasize hierarchy, the titles may change. For instance, at MBA (basketball), the managers of command teams are called “coaches” and the team members are called associates. The benefit of a formal team is that the organizational structure clearly to the superior subordinate relationship such as team players report and get told what’s what by the coach. • Informal An informal team work group is a group formed by employees of an organization that is created under no directive...
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...Small Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organizations: Depending upon the size of organization, the functions are subdivided under individual managers or combined management in number of ways. An approved maintenance organization should posses some facility and personnel requirements in order to carry out base maintenance on an aircraft which are described as follows: FACILITY REQUIREMENTS: Specialized workshops: AMO should have all the facilities of spacious aircraft hangers and component workshops in order to carry out maintenance practices of aircraft in order to accommodate planned maintenance and avoid working area contamination. Proof of tenancy should be provided if hanger is not owned by the organization. Their floors should be sealed so that dust generation can be minimized. Working environment: An appropriate working environment should be given that allows maintenance tasks to be carried out at a comfortable temperature, good lighting conditions and a minimum level of noise. Storage: Considering manufacturer’s instructions; the storage facilities for components, tools etc should be clean, well ventilated and secure in order to minimize the effect of condensation. The unserviceable aeronautical products should be separated from serviceable equipments and tools and remain packed to avoid damage and prevent corrosion. Office accommodation: AMO should provide an office accommodation or area for certified employees and management of planned maintenance where they...
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...Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing – Help or Hindrance? Does workplace Internet leisure browsing help or hinder workplace productivity? This was a question posed by, researcher and lecturer of Marketing at the University of Melbourne, Brent Coker in his study titled “Freedom to Surf: the positive effects of workplace Internet leisure browsing.” The organization of this study looked at the relationship between the behavior, frequency and duration of workplace Internet leisure browsing (WILB) on workplace productivity. Key research indicates that “blocking or controlling Internet access in the workplace is viewed by many employees as a restraint impinging on their sense of control”1, thus, compelling those being restricted to perceive lower levels of autonomy. Procedure Coker conducted an online survey of two thousand and seven hundred randomly selected office workers from a data base of market research panelists. Of the 2,700 surveys sent two hundred and sixty eight were completed. Through a preliminary analysis, made by Coker, data was collected and recorded into a data base from a web survey to determine the types of WILB activities being conducted in the workplace. Participants were asked questions relating to the frequency, duration and incidence of each activity and their responses determined the questions that followed (“question piping”2). With an aggregate analysis of the data Coker was able to identify seventeen types of WILB activities, as well as, calculate...
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...the things they want, • Get more things done, • Relate more positively to others, and • Feel better about themselves (Dodd and Sundheim, 2005). Finding a time management strategy that works best for you depends on your personality, ability to selfmotivate and level of selfdiscipline. By incorporating some, or all of the ten strategies below, you can more effectively manage your time. 1. Know How You Spend Your Time Analyze where most of your time is devoted— job, family, personal, recreation, etc. Keeping a time log is a helpful way to determine how you are using your time. Start by recording what you are doing for 15-minute intervals for a week or two. Evaluate the results. Ask if you did everything that was needed; determine which tasks require the most time; determine the time of day when you are most productive; and analyze where most of your time is devoted – job, family, personal,...
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...reviews some of the literature on the use of groupwork as a form of assessment in tertiary institutions. It outlines the considerable advantages of groupwork but also its systemic associated problems. In discussing the problems, the paper considers issues such as ‘‘free riding’’ and the ‘‘sucker effect’’, issues associated with ethnic mix in groups, and the social dilemma problem—in which students face conflicting demands between altruism and self-interest. The paper then outlines several models of effective groupwork and makes suggestions for implementing groupwork tasks. The paper also looks at the key assessment tasks which are commonly employed—namely, additive, conjunctive, disjunctive and discretionary tasks—and assesses which are most suited to groupwork. The paper considers the related issues of task complexity, recognition for effort, and strategies for minimising issues concerning group size. The paper also briefly considers strategies for implementing incentives for groupwork members, and outlines the issue of penalties for unproductive group members. The paper concludes by providing recommendations for how to maximise the advantages of groupwork while trying to minimise the disadvantages. Keywords Groupwork Á Assessment Á Free-riding Á Sucker effect Introduction: the advantages of groupwork The importance of groupwork as a form of assessment has long been recognised among educators. Its use has been justified on the following five principal grounds...
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...Efficiency Chapter 8 .......................Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin Chapter 9 .......................Do Your Homework Chapter 10 .....................Leverage Your Special Talents Chapter 11 .....................Identify Your Key Constraints Chapter 12 .....................Take It One Oil Barrel At A Time Chapter 13 .....................Put the Pressure on Yourself Chapter 14 .....................Maximize Your Personal Power Chapter 15 .....................Motivate Yourself Into Action 2 Chapter 16 .....................Practice Creative Procrastination Chapter 17 .....................Do the Most Difficult Task First Chapter 18 .....................Slice and Dice the Task Chapter 19 .....................Create Large Chunks of Time Chapter 20 .....................Develop a Sense of Urgency Chapter 21 .....................Single Handle Every Task Putting It All Together 3 Preface Thank you for picking up this book. I hope these ideas help you as much as have helped me and thousands of others. In fact, I hope that this book changes your life forever. There is never enough time to do everything you have to do. You are literally swamped with work and personal responsibilities, projects, stacks of magazines to read and piles of books you intend to get to one of these days as soon as you get caught up. But the fact is that you are never going to get caught...
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...Creating a summary task * Working with subtasks * Establishing task dependencies * Specify lead and lag times A project task list can be as few as 10 or as many as several hundred tasks. With a large project, it can become difficult to locate a specific task. Using MS Project, you can organize the task list by creating a hierarchical structure. This process of structuring a task list is known as outlining. Outlining is used to organize common tasks into groups within the task list. The groups can represent phases of the project. In this lab, we will first use outlining to group the tasks of our project into phases. We will create a main summary task to represent the entire project and then several levels of summary tasks below the main summary task to represent the phases of the project. Creating an Outline 1. Log onto Windows. Open MS Project. 2. Open your project file that you created in Lesson 1, Part A (MyLab1a_XXX.mpp, where XXX are your initials.) 3. Save this file, using Save As, as MyLab1b_XXX.mpp, where XXX are your initials. Creating a hierarchical outline organizes the project tasks list into groups of tasks. Each group of tasks is preceded by a summary task, which describes the tasks within each group. The outline of a project generally begins with a main summary task. The main summary task is a brief description of the project and all tasks are subordinate to the main summary task. This main summary task is also helpful...
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...Favorites Shop About Contact us Time Management Activities POPULAR LATEST COMMENTS TAGS on APRIL 19, 2011 in ACTIVITIES, ICEBREAKERS Looking for a Time Management activity? Try one of these: The Jar Divide the group into teams and give them each a large glass container. The object is to fill their containers with as much material as they can. The material can be rocks, stones, gravel, sand etc.. (But you can use anything.) The larger materials should be placed in the container first and then followed by the next to the largest, and so on… In this order you should be able to fit the most into the container. You can come to your own conclusion for the activity based on your need. The rocks (due to size) would be the most important items to complete. (Can be home activities…work/life balance.) Then stones would be every day has to finish items. Gravel can be the projects that need completed. Sand could be the extra work that was just assigned to you. Communication and Listening exercises APRIL 5, 2011 Time Management Activities APRIL 19, 2011 Memorable Debriefs (last updated March 2014) MAY 11, 2011 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Activities JANUARY 30, 2012 5-Minute Competitive Games MAY 4, 2012 Search... CATEGORIES I allow the groups to fill their own container without detailed instructions. I tell them to fill their containers with as much materials as they can. And then we talk about Categories...
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...10 Roles and Activities Executives Perform The topic that I chose to write on is the topic of the 10 roles and activities that most executives will have as they lead their companies. The 10 activities and roles that I will discuss fall into the categories. The Informational roles will include the executive being a leader, a liaison, and a figure head. The informational roles include the executive being a monitor, a disseminator, and a spokes person. The decisional roles will include the executive being an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler, a resource allocator and a negotiator. In this paper, I will explain these 10 roles and activities along with examples; I will explore the question as to do the current worlds executives still play a part in these roles and activities, and what factors might influence the executive as to whether or not they engage in these roles or activities. The first role of an executive is being a leader. This is still used and the top priority in my opinion. The company could not be a company without a leader. The executive has to be someone who is willing to motivate his managers and employees. He has to be the person who ot only leads his company, but a person who creates leaders within the company. The next role of an executive is a liaison to the public and to other companies as well. A well established company will need connections to work interdependently with the community and to have a good rapport with other businesses and the community...
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...Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections This page intentionally left blank Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Improve Your Conversational Ability, Develop Your Writing Skills, and Build Exam Confidence Roberta G. Steinberg New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-159247-4 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-159246-6. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at...
Words: 27912 - Pages: 112
...scope is to install Access Control System (ACS) in the college dormitory. To identify the project’s goals, objectives, deliverables, tasks, costs, deadlines, expected leading staffing and none-staffing resources needed (Bidgoli, 2014). For a project this size, the company is limited to using current staff to complete the project. The size of the dormitory is five doors entering and exiting the building. The building has five moving cameras installed located at each doorway. The project is set for thirty days completion timetable. The current system analyst will be the project manager, and his responsibilities are as follows: • Project planning – identifying the project task estimating the completion time and cost of the project. • Project Scheduling – Creating a timetable for specific tasks. • Project monitoring – Guiding, supervising, and coordination the team's workload, and making decisions based on the team's workload and taking action to make corrections to keep the project on track. • Project reporting – This includes updates from his management, about current users and project team members on attitude and the overall effort of the team. (Rosenblatt J.H., 2014) A successful project will be completed on time, within budget and deliver a quality product that meets all requirements that were requested. A listing of the primary task and subtask are as follows: • Obtain equipment 1. Request bids from different vendors. 2. Evaluate bids and cost. • Hardware\Software...
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...depends on what is being demonstrated in the picture. If the instruction calls for a specific part of the pictured object to be manipulated, coloring just that part proves most effective. If the intended audience is people with poor reading and interpreting skills, then it is highly recommended that color be used in this manner. All the results from the research suggest that people who are easily frustrated with instructions prefer highlights to black and white, and full color. Furthermore, the color should be strictly limited to the major functions of the task being illustrated. Unnecessary highlights increase the complexity, and in turn the understandability of the picture. A further recommendation can be made concerning the amount of highlighting that should be used. The number of different colors in any given picture instructing a complex task should be limited. When highlighting the important functions of the task, only a small range of colors should be included. If a broad range of colors is used, the reader could interpret their meaning incorrectly. They could, for example, think one color is more important than another is or think that the colors are implying a sequence in the instructions. If the picture is of a general object or action with no focus, then using full color, as opposed to black-and-white, is more effective. Overall, color is more attractive and appeals to the reader and will help to limit the frustration they may encounter. Full color pictures...
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...QAT Form F004 ------------------------------------------------- Student Assessment Cover Sheet Student Name | Natalie McSweeney | Student Number | | Course Code | BSB40507 | Course Name | Diploma of Business Administration | Unit Code | BSBADM502B | Unit Name | Manage meetings | Assessor’s Name | | Due Date | | Assessment Number | Assessment 1 | I confirm that the attached work is entirely my own, except where other writers have been referenced. I I confirm that this assignment has not been submitted before at QAT or other institutions. I understand that plagiarism and other forms of cheating will result in academic penalty.By submitting this assessment, I agree that: * I have and read and understood the details of the assessment * I understand the conditions of the assessment and the QAT appeals process * I have two weeks from the due date of this assessment in which to resubmit, if I am deemed unsuccessful. | Student’s Signature | | Date | | QAT Assessor to complete | Initial Submission | Resubmission 1 | Resubmission 2 | Date | Satisfactory (S)Unsatisfactory (U)Did Not Submit (DNS) | Resubmission required(Y/N) | Date | Satisfactory (S)Unsatisfactory (U)Did Not Submit (DNS) | Resubmission required(Y/N) | Date | Satisfactory (S)Unsatisfactory (U)Did Not Submit (DNS) | | | | | | | | | comments/observations/feedback | comments/observations/feedback | comments/observations/feedback | By signing this document, assessors are...
Words: 2009 - Pages: 9
...Provide an example of how each team type benefitted (or could benefit) your team during the balloon chair activity. Use the space provided in the table for your answers. TEAM TYPE | DEFINITION/BENEFITS | EXAMPLE | 1. | Temporary teams are hired for specific time or tasks, which would allow the business to alternate teams depending on the business needs. Due to this, the team will be focused on the task they have been set up to do. At the end of the project, the company wouldn’t need to fire the team members as they know their contract is ended at the end of the project. If the business is recruiting, creating temporary teams to do induction tasks would allow the business to analyse employees before hiring them. | Being part of temporary team to do the balloon chair would be a good as the task would get boring as the team would have to constantly perform the task on a daily basis. This could make the team more motivated to perform the task to the best of their abilities as they know they have been selected to do the task. | 2. | By building up a permanent team, the business would save themselves money on both training and salaries as they will already have a capable well-skilled team set up to complete tasks which means they wouldn’t have to re-train staff on the business’s aims and objectives and paying extra fees for the temporary staff. Being part of a permanent team gives the team stability as they know they have a secure job. Also, being part of a permanent team could...
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