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Submitted By anniemariedavid
Words 1983
Pages 8
Title: The Most Important Public Health Challenge

Angelique David

The Most Important Public Health Challenge Introduction
Public health is the branch of science that deals with disease prevention, promotion of health living and the prolonging of life. Practitioners in this field achieve this feat by bringing on board stakeholders that include private and public organizations, communities and individuals. Public health concerns itself with tackling threats facing the health of its various stakeholders. The main objective of public health intervention is to better the health of individuals through treating and preventing diseases and other health related conditions (Turnock, 2012). This paper will address the most pressing public health challenge and move to an intervention system that can be used to tackle the challenge. Obesity is one of the greatest challenges that the public health continues to contend with in this modern times. This challenge has imparted negative health consequences and high costs to the society as a whole. Obesity is a health condition whose main feature is the accumulation of excess body fat in a patient’s body. This condition comes about from the sustenance of adiposity which occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. A person is considered obese when his BMI exceeds 29.9 kg/m2. BMI has been used as an important measure for obesity and has helped in informing public health interventions to deal with this challenge (Kopelman et al, 2010).
The Burden of Obesity The world has witnessed a steady increase in the prevalence of obesity in the world. In the UK, the prevalence of obesity has proceeded at doubling rate annually and it is estimated that by the

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