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Social A2


Submitted By leylababy
Words 792
Pages 4
Globalisation plan
Asses the view that the process of globalisation has led to changes in both the amount of crime and types of crime committed (21 marks) AO1As Held et al suggests, globalisation has led to major changes in the amount and types of crimes throughout the world. He States globalisation has not only bought legitimate activities into being but also bought about the spread of transnational organised crime and other new crime opportunities. E.g castells argues that there is now a global criminal economy worth over £1 trillion per anum such as arms trafficking, trafficking in women & children, cybercrimes, green crimes and many more. Thus globalisation has given birth to many new crimes throughout the world. | AO2Globalisation has not only created new crimes but it has also created many insecurities among the world which sociologists call a mentality of “risk consciousness” where risk is tied global not just in one area. E.g increased movement of economic migrants seeking work or asylum seekers fleeing persecution has given rise to anxieties among populations in western countries about crime, disorder & need to protect borders. Due to globalisation and the media’s over exaggeration of dangers we may face has led to many insecurities in our world today. | AO1Taylor who comes from a socialist’s perspective would argue globalisation has led to many changes in the pattern and extent of crime. For example, he stated that globalisation has allowed transnational corporations to switch manufacturing to low wage countries producing job insecurities unemployment & poverty. Also marketization makes people see themselves as individual consumers. Left realists state increasing materialistic culture promoted by media only portrays success in terms of a lifestyle of consumption. Thus all these factors create insecurities and widens inequality that

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