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Social and Behavior Paper


Submitted By eagleflight04
Words 515
Pages 3
During the early months of a growing infant, there is an opportunity for optimal attachment to the mother or both parents. This is a crucial time for the baby, during this time the infant will attachment to its parents and forms either a secure attachment, insecure avoidance attachment or insecure ambivalent attachment. Attachment is considered a social concept in childhood development because; it lays the foundation for relationships with parents, siblings, friends and relatives. It also effects whether or not the child will grow up with the ability to hold fulfilling and successful relationships. When a child grows up with a secure attachment to both parents, they tend to have great problem solving skills as well as social skills. It also provides the starting point for the child to grow into a secure individual capable of have strong and stable emotional bonds with others. There are three attachment qualities in the developing child; secure attachment, insecure avoidance and insecure ambivalent attachment. When a child is securely attached to the parent they have a stable emotional bond with the parent. They are upset with the parent leaves however they experience a smaller amount of separation anxiety than the others. Also when the parent returns, the child actively seeks to be near the parent once again. Insecure avoidance attachment is just the opposite; they have anxious emotional bond with the parent and tend to shy away from the parent when he/she returns. A child with an insecure ambivalent attachment tends to have mixed emotions, they will not only seek to be near the parent but they will resist their contact as well. Parent play an important role is promoting a secure attachment with their child. The key is a parent who is accepting and sensitive to their baby’s signals and rhythms. Poor attachment occurs with the parents responses are

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