...Does social marketing have a future? Social marketing has grown significantly recent years with increasing interest in the field. However, social marketing hasn’t reached it’s full potential yet, with no clear understanding of the field and what its role should be compared to other approaches to social change. As the growth of technology and the birth of Internet, social marketing has never been more relevant and highlighted in the field of marketing that it has today. This essay will evaluate past and current thinking on social marketing based on a range of academic and practitioner sources. Social marketing have often confused people to its definition. It has sometimes been regularly confused with societal marketing (Andreasen, 1995) whereas others have proposed it to be social responsibility campaigns when supported by commercial operatives, were it adds assets to the public in well-being efforts (Hastings and Angus, 2011). Yet, it’s original definition stated that; social marketing is the control, implementation and design of programs estimated to effect the appropriateness of social notions and concerning thoughts of product preparation, communication, price, marketing research and distribution (Kotler and Zaltman, 1971). Social marketing was formerly stimulated in an article written by the sociologist G. D. Wiebe in 1952 (Andreasen, 2002). Wiebe was anxious that marketing wasn’t related to troubles such as were friendship could be sold as rewarded goods (Corner...
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...someone’s particular beliefs and lifestyle choices. Social marketing is a concept that is used to market this selling of ideas and in this report we shall examine the concept of social marketing in relation to alcohol abuse in Scotland. We shall look to devise a direct marketing campaign to provide a solution to the problems behind alcohol abuse in Scotland. We shall examine particular target markets and analyse what impact, if any, a direct marketing campaign will have in reducing alcohol consumption in Scotland. The rationale for examining alcohol abuse is that it is an ever growing problem in Scotland with alcohol related deaths doubling in the last 15 years and it is also estimated that alcohol abuse costs the Scottish Government £5 billion a year. What is Social Marketing? Firstly, we shall define what social marketing actually is. Social marketing first became an academic practice in the 1970s when Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman recognised the fact that the marketing values that were used to market products may also be used to market ideas, beliefs and lifestyle choices. Kotler and Zaltzman outlined social marketing as ‘the design, implementation and control of programs calculated to influence the acceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product planning, pricing, communication, distribution and marketing research.’ The National Social Marketing Centre, who specialise in social marketing and behaviour change in the United Kingdom, has developed...
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...4 int Po ing g urn etin f T rk s o ma l rie se ocia a in on s rth ces u Fo our res The Manager’s Guide to Social Marketing Using Marketing to Improve Health Outcomes from the Social Marketing National Excellence Collaborative THE MANAGER’S GUIDE TO SOCIAL MARKETING The Manager’s Guide to Social Marketing is one of several social marketing resources available for public health professionals from Turning Point, and the Turning Point Social Marketing National Excellence Collaborative, funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It is intended as a stand-alone tool to help you apply effective social marketing to your public health programs and practices. It may be integrated with other social marketing resources, many of which are available free of charge. Visit www.turningpointprogram.org or check the More Resources For You section at the end of this publication for more information. Acknowledgements The Manager’s Guide to Social Marketing was developed under the auspices of the Turning Point Social Marketing National Excellence Collaborative, one of five national collaboratives working to strengthen and transform public health as part of the Turning Point Initiative. Seven states and two national partners participated in this project: Illinois, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provided...
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...Social Marketing Campaigns and Children’s Media Use Social Marketing Campaigns and Children’s Media Use W. Douglas Evans Summary Media-related commercial marketing aimed at promoting the purchase of products and services by children, and by adults for children, is ubiquitous and has been associated with negative health consequences such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity. But, as Douglas Evans points out, not all marketing in the electronic media is confined to the sale of products. Increasingly savvy social marketers have begun to make extensive use of the same techniques and strategies used by commercial marketers to promote healthful behaviors and to counter some of the negative effects of conventional media marketing to children and adolescents. Evans points out that social marketing campaigns have been effective in helping to prevent and control tobacco use, increase physical activity, improve nutrition, and promote condom use, as well as other positive health behaviors. He reviews the evidence from a number of major recent campaigns and programming in the United States and overseas and describes the evaluation and research methods used to determine their effectiveness. He begins his review of the field of social marketing by describing how it uses many of the strategies practiced so successfully in commercial marketing. He notes the recent development of public health brands and the use of branding as a health promotion strategy. He then goes on ...
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...Social Media Marketing Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date of Submission: Introduction In the olden times, the advertisement that were considered as non-specific were done through a medium such as radio, magazine, television as well as emails. These were the only channels through which organizations could communicate to their targeted audiences. However, these forms of media did not prove to be effective when it came to particular consumers with personalized messages. For an extended period, the type of messages that were being conveyed through commercial media were those that were intended to build up consumer’s attitudes and feelings towards brands (Kabani, 2013). In the recent times, most of these messages have been designed in such a way that they can trigger audiences into responding through various ways such as emotionally, physically, cognitively to mention but a few. The development of social media also known as consumer-generated media has significantly improved the tools and strategies for communicating with customers worldwide. Social media helps in describing different forms of online information that are invented, introduced, broadcasted and made use of by consumers whose intentions are to educate each other concerning various products, services, brands to mention but a few. Social media plays a significant role in manipulating different characteristics of consumer behavior such as acquiring information concerning a given product, the creation...
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...objectives • At the end of this lecture you should know; – How segmentation applies to social marketing – Be able to list the most common segmentation bases used in social marketing – How to identify the stages in the Prochaska and DiClemente (1997) model of segmentation – Be aware of the ethical implications of targeting in social marketing – Understand the concept of positioning in social marketing. – Be able to identify and develop different positioning statements, including: behaviour-focused, barrierfocused, benefit-focused, competition-focused and repositioning-focused positioning statements. MARK320 Social Marketing Dr Jennifer Algie Lecture 4 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning in Social Marketing Page 2 Market Segmentation • The principle of selectivity and concentration – The practice of dividing markets into smaller, manageable parts or segments • Segmentation is an analytical exercise by marketers to help them decide what to produce for whom. • Not just a matter of identifying ‘wants’ – it is a matter of identifying what-is-wanted (benefits sought from consuming the product) and who-wants-it (consumer) Page 3 What is a benefit? • In social marketing a benefit has three characteristics: – It is something the audience wants in comparison to something else that is already giving benefits – Of those things, it is something that we as social marketers can deliver to them – And finally, it is something we can convince people...
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...Brighton & Hove City, England, 29 – 30 September 2008 Where we are now Good Works and So Do the 4Ps. Sharing Success Stories from the U.S. Nancy Lee University of Washington, Seattle, USA and Social Marketing Services, Inc., USA & So Do The 4Ps ! Washington Washington State State #1 !! #1 WASHINGTON STATE #1 FOUR SUCCESS STORIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Tobacco Cessation Pedestrian Safety HIV/AIDS Testing Litter Prevention FOR EACH STORY Target Audience Behavior Objective Guiding Theory 4Ps Results & ROI TOBACCO CESSATION Situation: Washington State Year 2000: 1 million adult users $1800 taxpayer cost per smoker/per year Target Audience: 70% wanting to quit Behavior: Call the Quit Line Theory: Stages of Change PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION Quit counselor Quit plan Quit kit Quit resources PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION •Toll Free Number •Free Counselor •Free Quit Plan Kit •Online Calculator PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION PHONE 7 days a week 5am – 9pm Message 24/7 WEB SITE Worksheet “Click to Call” button PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION Messages Encouraging Understanding Assuring PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION Media Channels Television Outdoor Posters Brochures Wallet cards Bar coasters Workplace activities Fax from physician Publicity RESULTS & ROI Seven years later– 100,000th call 13% of callers quit State cost per quit: $830 State savings per quit: $1800/year...
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...AND ALTIMETER GROUP SOCIAL MARKETING ANALYTICS A NEW FRAMEWORK FOR MEASURING RESULTS IN SOCIAL MEDIA JOHN LOVETT AND JEREMIAH OWYANG WITH ERIC T. PETERSON, CHARLENE LI AND CHRISTINE TRAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Business Must Adopt A Measurement Framework For Success. The rapid evolution of the web and digital media over the past decade illustrates that we operate in an environment that is constantly in flux. Technologies emerge, communication channels open and consumer behaviors adapt. These changes are apparent in the ways in which consumers interact with marketers and their brands as well as the ways in which consumers empower one another. Yet, as consumer connections, networks and relationships spider to the edges of the globe, marketers take their messages to social media channels with reckless abandon. Organizations that view social marketing as experimental forays jeopardize the relationships they have with their customers because consumers do not regard their actions as frivolous endeavors. They’re making decisions based on the new information they learn from their networks and using that knowledge to take actions and influence others. These actions leave indelible impressions upon brands and the consumers that interact with them. In an effort to help clients better understand the value of these emerging channels on their business, Web Analytics Demystified and Altimeter Group interviewed dozens of companies who are active participants in social media. Through our research...
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...Social Media Marketing Abstract Social media marketing is the new source of how consumers and companies communicate. It is aides the newest entrepreneur on how to build company growth. The future of social media will now be an advantage of how companies can get ahead of their competitors. Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing has become the norm of society because it exists within everyday living. Many people are logged into different social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and communicate with each other through those sites on a daily basis. Companies have capitalized on social media to advertise and market their brands. Because so many people are logged on, they would be able to communicate and research with consumers on their needs. This would effectively give companies the advantage of building a better marketing plan. Most companies rely on social media nowadays more than ever because the world is dependent on technology. With the amount of consumers that are communicating over the Internet, they can establish or recreate their brands to compete with other companies in their industry. Social media marketing begins with understanding the consumer and what better way to do that then to learn and study their social behaviors. It also helps gain access to companies on how to serve the consumer better. Popularity of Social Media Most large companies have marketing teams that create ideas and brainstorms for the next great marketing plan for...
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...Social Media Marketing Zayda Patton Principles of Marketing BUSB340 Dr. Vernon R. Stauble July 28, 2011 Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing is an internet-based that allows people to participate actively in the marketing and selling of products and services in online marketplaces and communities. It is used to persuade consumers to buy products and services that are worthwhile to them at low-cost combining technology and social interaction (Lake, 2011). It allows businesses marketing their products at cost effective with the advantage of targeting specific markets. Social media is an online word of mouth communication that creates a cycle of acquisition and retention (Morton, 2001). Social media gives marketers a voice and a way to communicate with peers, customers and potential consumers. It personalizes the “band” and helps to spread the message in a relaxed and conversational way (Lake, 2011). It has provided great benefits to small businesses to access potential customers without investing great amount of money on paid advertising. Now days, businesses can take advantage of being part of social media marketing to promote their products and services. To have an effective social media marketing a company needs to analyze and determine what market they will be targeting and what kind of data is available to identify the factors that are important to the company to achieve the goals desired (Stephens, 2011). The best way a company can effectively start...
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...Social Media Marketing BUSB 340 Assignment #1 Dr. Vernon R. Stauble July 28, 2011 Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is a supplement to individual, little enterprise, business, and non-profit organizations’ incorporated marketing communications plans. Integrated marketing communications is a multifaceted, orchestrated marketing and advocating perform associations pursue to attach with their target markets. Integrated marketing communications coordinates promotional elements: advocating, individual trading, public relatives, promotion, direct marketing and sales promotion (Glynn, David J. Faulds 2008). Increasingly, viral marketing crusades are furthermore grouped into incorporated marketing communications. In the customary marketing communications form, the content, frequency, timing, and intermediate of communications by the association is in collaboration with an external agency, i.e. advocating bureaus, marketing study companies and public relatives companies. However, the development of social media has affected the way associations communicate. With the emergence of Web 2.0, the internet presents a set of devices that permit persons to construct social and enterprise attachments, share data and cooperate on tasks online. Social media marketing programs generally center on efforts to conceive content that attracts vigilance and boosts readers to share it with their social networks. A business note disperses from...
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...Hannah Trom 05-01-2016 Extra Credit I think that being able to use our phones and computers in class has been really helpful. With having a class that’s half online and half not online it was useful to have the things that were online right at our fingertips during class. If there was an assignment that we were doing that was online and we had a question about it then we could easily pull it up on our laptop to ask the professor a question. If we had a question that needed to be answered right away it then having these resources is crucial because then the professor can get back to us as soon as he can and we don’t have to wait for him to check his email cause it could take a couple days to get a response. It made learning easier, some of the people in classes can’t see the board that is right in front of them and this gives them a way to easily pull up the PowerPoint and be able to look at it directly in front of their faces. I don’t think having your laptop and phone in class is a distraction, it’s only a distraction if you allow it to. It’s made learning more enjoyable! Being able to look up the answers to a work sheet that we’re doing is class is so much easier and less stressful than having to guess. It’s easier to be able to have your computer in front of you so that you can look it up and make sure that you have the right answer instead of looking stupid and writing down the wrong answer. Another good thing is being able to listen to your own music during work time...
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...One Key role of social media in marketing is increasing brand and product awareness. Getting customers involved through the use of social media sites, apps and games builds awareness and provides consumers with immediate access to information about the product or service. Social media marketing is far more interactive in nature than traditional tactics. Consumers can interact with organizations and other consumers through comments and questions. Interaction through shares and likes on social media sites such as Facebook, and apps that reward users for sharing their location, consumers become a part of the marketing campaign. Another difference between traditional marketing channels and social media is the types of loyalty programs and the rewards offered. Some social media reward programs offer non-tangible rewards, which provides a financial savings to organizations. For example, social media marketing may use online games that integrate products into the game and offer in game rewards as opposed to monetary rewards or discounts to users. Although social media will not eliminate traditional forms of marketing altogether, it will become a more important part of marketing campaigns as technology continues to advance and will eventually will play a larger role than traditional marketing channels. Reviewing the steps for creating an advertising campaign provides insight into the advantages of social media marketing. The first and last steps are setting the target audience...
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...How Social Media has Affected Marketing How has social media changed the marketing strategy used by companies? Marketing can be classified as a strategy that lets consumers know about products and can tell companies what consumers need. Social Media is an important communication tool to easily connect to other people or organizations. Studies have shown that people use information on social media as the guideline for their future purchase or planning their future trip. The marketing strategy focuses on a target market. Companies can easily reach their targets individually through the use of social media. Consumers tend to post, share, and favorite advertising through social media, which attracts other similar consumers as well. Overall, social media is an easy way for a seller to reach a target market. The increased use of social media has given marketers a larger pool of data, a better understanding of the audience’s needs, the ability to bypass gatekeepers, real-time feedback, and the chance to place their employee’s on the front line. An affective marketer usually markets their products to a target market. Target markets are customers that are most likely to buy your product. In order to obtain research and information on a target market, the marketer must receive primary data. Social media has made this easier to obtain by the click of a button. Before social media companies would use phone calls, mail, or surveys to gather primary data. This proved to be expensive...
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...of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Assignment on Social Media Marketing Course Code: MBA - 502 Course Title: Marketing Management Prepared by: Group - 05 Name of the Group Members’: Ferdowsi Ara ID: 122-051-062 Ayesha Akter ID: 121-051-025 Shagufta Momriz ID: 123-051-024 Kaosar Mahmud ID: 123-051-013 Jannaten Nigar Nayela ID: 122-051-057 18 November 2013 Table of Content Content | Page # | Introduction | 01 | Digital Marketing | 01 | Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing | 01 | Mobile Marketing – a type of digital marketing | 02 | Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Marketing | 02 | Digital Marketing vs. Mobile Marketing | 03 | Choosing Best Option – Digital or Mobile Marketing | 03 | Digital and Mobile Marketing in Bangladesh | 03 | Future Prospects of Digital and Mobile Marketing | 04 | Conclusion | 05 | References | 06 | Introduction Now-a-days marketing practices have been shifted from traditional media to digital media due to the remarkable rise in the field of social media. Present and prospective customers are now smarter than past, they are now become more aware, communicate and respond faster and their choices are now become more personalized. One of the major shortcomings of the traditional form of marketing is that, the marketers wouldn’t be able to know how many people saw or heard about their products or services. But with the blessings of digital media marketing they are now able to know the exact statistics...
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