Premium Essay



Submitted By Cidortch
Words 1478
Pages 6
Which of the following is not a core characteristic of the decentralized federation structure?
D. Reporting and oversight conflicts prevail
Which of the following is not a core characteristic of the coordinated federation structure?
B. Subsidiaries are regarded as key sources of knowledge and expertise.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the companies with centralized hub structure?
C .Most of the manufacturing and product development is executed but the subsidiaries
Which of the following statements regarding knowledge diffusion is correct?
A In a decentralized federation, knowledge is developed in national subsidiaries and diffused
Which of the following is not a characteristic of companies with a transnational strategy?
Knowledge is developed centrally and adapted locally
Isatis CO has successfully transitioned from a global strategy to a transnational strategy Which of the following descried the likely configuration of assets and capabilities that now most likely prevails at isatis
C Dispersed, specialized and interdependent
Which of the following describes the preferred sequencing of changes associated with implementing the typically more effective emerging change process model
a.Change in individual attitudes and mentalities, then change in interpersonal relationships
Which of the following strategic approach and strategic capabilities cannot be paired?
d. global strategy and national responsiveness
Frank is director of technology in an MNE in which most of the R& D Actives are performed The innovation process adoptedby Franks MNE is
C .Center for global
With responsibly for his company largely centralized R& D actives Frank worries that the center may not understand local market needs. To respond to these concerns Frank priory
B. Ensure that several key people in the foreign subsidies are linked to invid at the

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...a brand name must be built, often over long periods of time. At SWA, job descriptions are informal and employees pitch in to “get the job done.” Pilots may help load luggage to ensure an on-time departure; flight attendants clean airplanes to help turn them around at the gate within 15 minutes from arrival to departure. This allows SWA to keep its planes flying for longer and thus lowers its cost structure, savings which SWA passes on to passengers in lower ticket prices. Southwest airlines which are one of the well-known low cost carriers in the United States used the niche market strategy to maintain competitive advantage from its rivals. They avoided large airports, focused mainly on short flights which are ideal for families and business people, as well as excluded seating requirement and on flight meals to reduce their cost South West Airlines tangible resources can be divided into three main categories; human resources; financial and physical resources (Henry, 2008). Physical resources refer to physical facilities and equipments that are owned by the company. Airplanes constitute the large portion of South West's physical resources. In 2011, the company had 572 aircraft, making it the largest operator of aircrafts in the world. The aircraft make up a significant part of the organization asset base (South West Airlines, 2012). Computer and computer networks also phone a vital part of South West physical resources. South West operates offices in over 76 terminals within...

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...From the case study and e-Activity, determine the key reasons why Southwest Airlines has such high customer satisfaction ratings in comparison with other airlines. Provide two (2) examples that illustrate instances of customer satisfaction to support your position. It isn’t often that the words ‘exceptional customer service’ and ‘airline’ are in the same sentence. Tricky rules regarding flight-schedule changes, high fees and sometimes-rude employees have given the airline industry a bad rap. It is this reputation that Herb Kelleher went up against when he founded Southwest Airlines in 1971. “Herb’s vision was that we were going to provide excellent customer service in an industry not known for treating customers well,” says Teresa Laraba, senior vice president customers for Southwest. They’ve succeeded. Now, 41 years later, the airline is known for exemplary service—corporate employees even send personal letters of thanks or apology for flight delays and other inconveniences to customers. The result of this effort is a high degree customer loyalty. The proof is exhibited through social media. At press time, southwest had more than 3.1 million ‘likes’ on its Facebook page, compared with 363,000 for United Airlines and 355,000 for Delta. Provide two (2) examples that illustrate instances of customer satisfaction to support your position. Focus on your hiring process: Southwest looks to hire people with engaging personalities and who are excited to work with the public. They...

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