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Submitted By bulldogs22
Words 315
Pages 2
Introduction (5-15 seconds)

(Attention Getter) Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher, once said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” None of us know when our time is up on this earth. This is why we must live each day to the fullest. (Preview) Today I'm going to share with you some things things I would like to do before my time is up on Earth.

Body (2-3 min.)

I. Plan a trip to Chicago

A. Tourists Attractions Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo B. Go see a Chicago Cubs game Grew up loving Baseball and the Cubs C. Go see a Chicago Blackhawks game

(Transition: The second thing I would like to do is to travel to Scotland.)

II. Travel to Scotland with my family

A. Play golf at St. Andrews with my dad Love to play golf, this is known as the home of Golf B. Tourists Attractions Castles, Loch Ness C. Restaurants to visit

(Transition: And last, I'd like to go to all 4 Major Golf Tournaments on the PGA Tour.) III. Go to all 4 PGA Tour Majors

A. The Masters with dad Augusta, GA, tournament played here every year B. U.S. Open Our national Championship for Golf C. The OPEN Championship (Europe) D. PGA Championship

Conclusion (5-10 seconds)

In closing, it's hard coming up with the exact things you want to do before you leave this planet. With that being said, I've shared with you today some things that I would love to do before my time is up. We're not guaranteed tomorrow, nor do we know our exact time, therefore we must choose to be happy. I believe Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be Happy or not. Choose to do things that will make you happy and in the end, you will have lived.

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