...1(d).Value Chain Analysis: A Way to profit improvement & cost Reduction Learning Objective 1. how to identify the value added activity 2. how to rectify the non –value added activity 3. application in profit planning & cost reduction INTRODUCTION Competitive advantage for a company means not just matching or surpassing their competitors, discovering what the customers want and then profitably satisfying, and even exceeding their expectations. As barriers to inter-regional and international trade are diminishing and as access to goods and services are growing, customers can locate after identification and «the best of what they want, at an acceptable price, wherever it is in the world. Under growing competition and, hence, rising customer expectations, a company's penalty for complacency becomes even greater. A strategic tool to measure the importance of the customer's perceived value is value chain analysis. By enabling companies to determine the strategic advantages and disadvantages of activities and value-creating processes in the market place, value chain analysis becomes essential for assessing competitive advantage. Value analysis or value engineering is one of the most widely used cost reduction techniques. It can be defined as a technique that yields value improvement. It investigates into the economic attributes of value. It attempts to reduce cost through ...
Words: 12975 - Pages: 52
...Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management SYLLABUS and ASSIGNMENTS International Business Strategy INTL 460 SECTIONS 61 and 81 Fall 2008 Professor Daniel F. Spulber Office 606 Leverone 491-8675 E-mail: jems@kellogg.northwestern.edu International Business Strategy Course Description The course defines the objectives and strategies of international business. The course emphasizes economic analysis of international business strategy formulation. Topics covered include gains from trade, costs of trade, and the competitive strategy of the international business. The course considers alternative modes of market entry, including import and export through intermediaries, contracting with suppliers and distributors, strategic alliances and foreign direct investment (FDI). Case studies are used to illustrate the basic principles of multinational business management and strategy. The course introduces the “Strategy Star” analysis. The first week of the course is dedicated to introducing international business strategy and providing a review of the micro-economics concepts that will be employed during the course. The course then introduces the concept of the ‘Global Value Connection.” This concept is used to develop global competitive strategies that depend on doing business between countries. Weeks 2 and 3 present strategies for providing global added value. The course highlights the economic aspects of gains and costs of trade that are relevant...
Words: 2993 - Pages: 12
...This text was adapted by The Saylor Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License without attribution as requested by the work’s original creator or licensee. Organization The overarching logic of the book is intuitive—organized around answers to the what, where, why, and how of international business. WHAT? Section one introduces what is international business and who has an interest in it. Students will sift through the globalization debate and understanding the impact of ethics on global businesses. Additionally, students will explore the evolution of international trade from past to present, with a focus on how firms and professionals can better understand today’s complex global business arena by understanding the impact of political and legal factors. The section concludes with a chapter on understanding how cultures are defined and the impact on business interactions and practices with tangible tips for negotiating across cultures. WHERE? Section two develops student knowledge about key facets of the global business environment and the key elements of trade and cooperation between nations and global organizations. Today, with increasing numbers of companies of all sizes operating internationally, no business or country can remain an island. Rather, the interconnections between countries, businesses, and institutions are inextricable. Even how we define the world is changing. No longer classified into simple and neat...
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...SIXTH EDITION STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN ACTION Mary Coulter Missouri State University Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editor in Chief: Stephanie Wall Senior Acquisitions Editor: April Cole Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Maggie Moylan Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Marketing Assistant: Gianna Sandri Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Creative Director: Blair Brown Senior Art Director: Kenny Beck Text Designer: LCI Design Cover Designer: LCI Design Cover Art: Svetoslav Iliev/Shutterstock.com Permission Specialist: Brooks Hill-Whilton Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Senior Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management and Composition: Integra Printer/Binder: RRD/Willard Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color Text Font: 10/12, Times LT Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights...
Words: 154599 - Pages: 619
... B Cases 539 bye80180_appB_539-654.qxd 11/19/09 9:17 AM Page 540 Confirming Pages technology ventures - management dell’imprenditorialità e dell’innovazione Richard C. Dorf, Andrew J. Nelson, Roberto Vona Copyright © 2011 – The McGraw-Hill Companies srl 540 APPENDIX B Cases TREXEL We’ve never met a customer who wasn’t interested in our technology. —David Bernstein, CEO of Trexel David Bernstein hung up the phone with Alex d’Arbeloff, Trexel’s largest investor, and contemplated an upcoming Board of Directors meeting scheduled for June 25, 1998. The meeting was only 10 weeks away and Bernstein, Trexel’s president and chief executive officer, needed to present a coherent vision of the company’s new strategy. Bernstein believed that Trexel’s patented technology for manufacturing foamed plastics had the potential to revolutionize much of the worldwide plastics industry. His innovative process technology, known as MuCell, allowed the Woburn, Massachusetts company to produce foamed plastic utilizing 25% to 50% less material than traditional solid plastics without a significant decrease in the strength of the plastic. Bernstein believed the market for products produced via this technology could be in excess of 50 billion pounds of material per year representing potential worldwide annual revenues of over $100 billion. To date, Trexel had entered into numerous development partnerships with manufacturers, but no commercial products had made...
Words: 51437 - Pages: 206
...- DRAFT - International Dimensions of Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Case Study Series Bhopal Plant Disaster – Situation Summary by MJ Peterson Revised March 20, 2009 During the night of 2-3 December 1984, a leak of some 40 tons of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas mixed with unknown other gasses from a chemical plant owned and operated by Union Carbide (India) Limited, a partly-owned subsidiary of the US-based Union Carbide Corporation, caused one of the highest-casualty industrial accidents of the 20th century. At least 2000 people died immediately and another 200,000 to 300,000 suffered respiratory and other injuries of varying severity. Property damage consisted mainly of contamination to nearby areas by various chemical residues. The defoliation of trees immediately afterward is clearly attributable to the gas leak; contamination in the nearby settlements may have multiple sources, the contamination of the plant site resulted from many years of general production activity. India’s Economic Ambitions When India attained independence from Great Britain in 1947, its new political leaders wanted to make the country wealthier by encouraging development of modern industry. It had strong support from the citizens, who generally agreed that India’s current lack of industrialization and economic development were the result of these colonial-era policies. Thus the new government could expect widespread support for any policy that appeared to set the country...
Words: 35250 - Pages: 141
...A Sigma Medical Technologies Offering TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Problem Statement 4 Introduction 6 Analysis of the Facts 8 Expeditionary Marketing Tools 19 Summary of the Facts 27 Alternatives 30 Recommendations 35 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Founded in 2015, Sigma Medical Technologies (SIGMA) is located in the SE region of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the Sandia Industrial Park area east of Kirtland Air Force Base on Eubank Blvd. SIGMA, owned by Dr. Remy and Mr. Bob Sachs (of TEAM Technologies), serves as the patent holder and developer of “Ozone”. UNM Anderson has been contracted to provide an expeditionary marketing study. Ozone offers an invasive, defined space; gas based delivery system (generated by the product) to kill all living organisms in a room. It provides an affordable elimination and sterilization system for use by the Medical industry. It provides an additional layer of security against concealed germs, bacteria, and viral threats (pathogens). It may even be the cost effective solution to deliver solution based field units to disease hot spots that are engineered for quick and easy “Ozone” sterilization. The technology offers a “whole room” elimination solution (fills available defined space and kills pathogens) as opposed to standard “surface” based elimination systems (based on chemical wipe down style cleaning). Dr. Remy and his supportive team have a...
Words: 14589 - Pages: 59
...Identification of Target Market 22 1. Primary: Youth 22 2. Secondary: Yuppie 24 B. Target Publics 24 C. Recipients 24 D. Product 25 IV. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 25 A. Short term 25 B. Medium term 25 C. Long term 25 V. MARKETING MIX 25 A. Market Targeting 25 1. Size of the New Market 25 2. Demographic Characteristics 26 3. Psychographic Characteristics 26 4. Behavioral Characteristics 27 Primary Research Data 28 B. Product 30 C. Sales and Distribution Program (Please see Media and Public Reltions Program) 31 D. Marketing Communication Program 31 1. Message Analysis of Short Term Objectives: 31 2. Advertising Program 31 a) General Objectives 31 b) Creative Strategy 31 (a) Target Person 31 (b) Creative Objective 32 (c) Consumer Promise 32 (d) Support 32 (e) Brand personality 33...
Words: 12045 - Pages: 49
...DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (A CASE STUDY OF CARITAS UNIVERSITY ENUGU) BY NAME: ABI THOMAS AUGUSTINE REG NO: CST/2009/378 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE/ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES EXAMINATON CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKE ENUGU JULY 2013. i CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this project DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (A CASE STUDY OF CARITAS UNIVERSITY, ENUGU) was carried out by; -------------------------------------------- ---------------------- NAME OF STUDENT SIGNATURE ------------------------------DATE ii APPROVAL PAGE This is to certify that this research was carried out by Abi Thomas Augustine Reg. No: CST/2009/378 of the Department of Computer Science/Information Technology , Faculty of Natural Sciences Caritas University Amorji-Nike, Enugu State. ____________________ CHIZOBA EZEME (MRS) SUPERVISOR _______________ DATE _______________________ ARINZE NWAEZE (Ph.D) HEAD OF DEPARTMENT _______________ DATE ____________________ __ Dr. BONIFACE EKECHUKWU EXTERNAL EXAMINER _______________ DATE iii DEDICATION This work is dedicated to the Almighty God for giving me the knowledge, wisdom and understanding in the pursuit of my academic career. I also extend this to my late father Chief A. E. Abi, mum, brother and sisters for all you love. May God bless you all. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to use this medium to express my immeasurable...
Words: 18414 - Pages: 74
...DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (A CASE STUDY OF CARITAS UNIVERSITY ENUGU) BY NAME: ABI THOMAS AUGUSTINE REG NO: CST/2009/378 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE/ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES EXAMINATON CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKE ENUGU JULY 2013. i CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this project DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (A CASE STUDY OF CARITAS UNIVERSITY, ENUGU) was carried out by; -------------------------------------------- ---------------------- NAME OF STUDENT SIGNATURE ------------------------------DATE ii APPROVAL PAGE This is to certify that this research was carried out by Abi Thomas Augustine Reg. No: CST/2009/378 of the Department of Computer Science/Information Technology , Faculty of Natural Sciences Caritas University Amorji-Nike, Enugu State. ____________________ _______________ CHIZOBA EZEME (MRS) DATE SUPERVISOR _______________________ _______________ ARINZE NWAEZE (Ph.D) DATE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ____________________ __ _______________ Dr. BONIFACE EKECHUKWU EXTERNAL EXAMINER DATE iii DEDICATION This work is dedicated to the Almighty God for giving me the knowledge, wisdom and understanding in the pursuit of my academic career. I also extend this to my late father Chief A. E. Abi, mum, brother and sisters for all you love. May God bless you all. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to use this medium to express my immeasurable...
Words: 18416 - Pages: 74
...MKT 533 Branding Strategy Cases Dr. Diane Badame Fall 2015 The price of this reader reflects a 20% discount on production costs, due to the early submittal of material by the instructor. Dear Student: Reproduction of copyrighted material, without prior permission of the copyright owner, particularly in an educational setting, is an issue of concern for the academic community. Unfortunately, the impropriety of much unauthorized copying is all too often overlooked by users in an educational setting. Although copying all or part of a work without obtaining permission may appear to be an easy and convenient solution to an immediate problem, such unauthorized copying can frequently violate the rights of the author or publisher of the copyrighted work, and be directly contrary to the academic mission to teach respect for ideas and the intellectual property that expresses those ideas. With that in mind, the University Bookstore has sought permission and paid royalties for all materials enclosed. The price of your reader reflects those necessary costs. This material comes from "Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community," Copyright 1993 by National Association of College Stores, Inc. and the Association of American Publishers. MKT 533 – Branding Strategy Dr. Badame, Fall 2015 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARSHALL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MKT 533 – BRANDING STRATEGY 1.5 CREDIT COURSE FALL 2015 ___________________...
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...1/22/07 3:37 PM Page i RP OS T ElletFM.qxp THE DO N OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page ii DO N OT C OP YO RP OS T ElletFM.qxp 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iii RP OS T ElletFM.qxp YO THE OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and OT C Write Persuasively About Cases DO N William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iv RP OS T ElletFM.qxp Copyright 2007 William Ellet YO All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 OP No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the...
Words: 99835 - Pages: 400
...The prospectus is being displayed in the website to make the prospectus accessible to more investors. The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements made or the opinions or reports expressed in the prospectus. Furthermore, the PSE makes no representation as to the completeness of the prospectus and disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from or in reliance in whole or in part on the contents of the prospectus. The offering information on this Web site is intended to be available only to Philippine and non-Philippine citizens residing in the Philippines or corporations or judicial entities organized and existing under Philippine law, and is not intended for distribution in the United States or to U.S. persons (as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act")). The information contained in this Web site may not be published or distributed, directly or indirectly, into the United States and this information (including the preliminary and final Prospectus) and does not constitute an offer of Offer Shares for sale in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons. The Offer Shares described in the Prospectus have not been, and will not be, registered under U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States and may not be offered or...
Words: 112816 - Pages: 452
...THE ON OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK RP OS T ON OP YO RP OT C OS T THE ON OT C Write Persuasively About Cases OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts YO RP OS T Copyright 2007 William Ellet All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. ON OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the cooperation of business firms and other organizations which may wish to remain anonymous by having names, quantities, and other...
Words: 96750 - Pages: 387
...Learning with Cases INTRODUCTION The case study method of teaching used in management education is quite different from most of the methods of teaching used at the school and undergraduate course levels. Unlike traditional lecture-based teaching where student participation in the classroom is minimal, the case method is an active learning method, which requires participation and involvement from the student in the classroom. For students who have been exposed only to the traditional teaching methods, this calls for a major change in their approach to learning. This introduction is intended to provide students with some basic information about the case method, and guidelines about what they must do to gain the maximum benefit from the method. We begin by taking a brief look at what case studies are, and how they are used in the classroom. Then we discuss what the student needs to do to prepare for a class, and what she can expect during the case discussion. We also explain how student performance is evaluated in a case study based course. Finally, we describe the benefits a student of management can expect to gain through the use of the case method. WHAT IS A CASE STUDY? There is no universally accepted definition for a case study, and the case method means different things to different people. Consequently, all case studies are not structured similarly, and variations abound in terms of style, structure and approach. Case material ranges from small caselets (a few paragraphs...
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