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This study is concerned on the significant difference in the academic performance of students who regularly eat breakfast and of those who skip breakfast among selected pupils of Mauban South Central Elementary School II S.Y. 2014-2015.
Specifically, it sought to the answer to the following questions. 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a. grade level b. sex 2. What are the breakfast food intakes of the selected pupils? 3. Is there a significant difference on the food intake of the selected pupils when they are grouped according to demographic profile? 4. What is the mean academic performance of those students who regularly eat breakfast? 5. What is the mean academic performance of those students who skip breakfast? 6. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of the students who eat breakfast regularly and of those who skip breakfast? 7. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and the food intake of selected pupils during breakfast? 8. What (your output) can be developed from the findings of the study to (purpose of the study)?


Part I. Demographic Profile. Please place a check (/) mark on the space provided corresponding to your answer. a. What grade level are you in?
___ Grade 3
___ Grade 4
___ Grade 5
___ Grade 6

b. What is your sex?
___ Male Female

Part II. Breakfast Eating Habits. Please put a

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