Premium Essay

Statue Of Memi And Sabu

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Words 467
Pages 2
The statue is a figure of a person or an animal in stone, metal, etc. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, 2010). Sculptures help us to know how our ancestors lived and practiced their life and tell the history of ancient periods. This essay will compare between two statues of ancient times. The first one is The Royal Acquaintances Memi and Sabu from the Egyptian culture while the other is the Statue of Gudea from the Neo Sumerian culture.
Firstly, I will discuss the Egyptian statue of Memi and Sabu. It was discovered at the western cemetery in Memphite, Giza in Egypt. It dates back to the period of the Old Kingdom, the fourth dynasty, between 2575 and 2465 BC. (The Met Fifth Avenue, n.d.). The statue depicts an Egyptian husband and wife

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