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Stem Cell


Submitted By caballerokelvin
Words 1566
Pages 7
Stem cell
A stem cell is essentially a “blank” cell, capable of becoming another more differentiated cell type in the body, such as a skin cell, a muscle cell, or a nerve cell.
Microscopic in size, stem cells are big news in medical and science circles because they can be used to replace or even heal damaged tissues and cells in the body. They can serve as a built-in repair system for the human body, replenishing other cells as long as a person is still alive.
Adult stem cells are a “natural” solution. They naturally exist in our bodies, and they provide a natural repair mechanism for many tissues of our bodies. They belong in the microenvironment of an adult body, while embryonic stem cells belong in the microenvironment of the early embryo, not in an adult body, where they tend to cause tumors and immune system reactions.
Most importantly, adult stem cells have already been successfully used in human therapies for many years. As of this moment, no therapies in humans have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells. New therapies using adult type stem cells, on the other hand, are being developed all the time.

Significance of the Study
Stem cell therapy is a potential treatment for spinal cord injury and different stem cell types has been grafted into animal models and humans suffering from spinal trauma. Due to inconsistent results, it is still an important and clinically relevant question which stem cell type will prove to be therapeutically effective. Thus far, stem cells of human sources grafted into spinal cord mostly included barely defined heterogeneous mesenchymal stem cell populations derived from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood.
Here, we have transplanted a well-defined unrestricted somatic stem cell isolated from human umbilical cord blood into an acute traumatic spinal cord injury of adult immune suppressed rat. Grafting of unrestricted somatic stem cells into the vicinity of a dorsal hemisection injury at thoratic level eight resulted in hepatocyte growth factor-directed migration and accumulation within the lesion area, reduction in lesion size and augmented tissue sparing, enhanced axon regrowth and significant functional locomotor improvement as revealed by three behavioural tasks.
To accomplish the beneficial effects, neither neural differentiation nor long-lasting persistence of the grafted human stem cells appears to be required. The secretion of neurite outgrowth-promoting factors in vitro further suggests a paracrine function of unrestricted somatic stem cells in spinal cord injury.
Given the highly supportive functional characteristic in spinal cord injury, production in virtually unlimited quantities at GMP grade and lack of ethical concerns, unrestricted somatic stemm cell appear to be a highly suitable human stem cell source for clinical application in central nervous system injuries.

How Stem Cell works Stem cells are the source of all cells - brain, skin, heart and others - that make up the human body. Just like a plant stem that branches into leaves and flowers, stem cells branch out to form different bits of our bodies.
There are two basic types:
· Adult stem cells act as a pool from which the body can repopulate itself with cells when old ones die out. When a skin stem cell divides, it forms a skin cell and another skin stem cell. The latter is retained as a future source of skin cells; the former migrates to the body's surface and takes its place among other skin cells.
· Embryonic stem cells are created in the first two weeks of life and are the source of all cells that make the growing foetus.
Although scientists acknowledge they have much to learn about stem cells, they already see ways to exploit them, for example in setting up stem cell banks to provide transplant materials for patients.
Several thousand lines of embryonic stem cells could be created to establish such a bank, each originating from an excess embryo created when a woman undergoes IVF treatment. These cells will be grown and kept in culture dishes. Patients would be given stem cells matched as closely as possible to their immunological make-up. For a diabetic, they would be injected into the pancreas where, coaxed by drugs, they would be transformed into insulin-making cells.
Immunosuppressant drugs may still be required when transplanting embryonic stem cells, and doctors are planning improvements. One method is to isolate an individual's own adult stem cells - say their dopamine stem cells - and grow them in laboratories. These would be re-injected, in this case into a Parkinson's patient's brain, where they should restore their lost dopamine production.
Ultimately, scientists hope to take a skin cell and transform it into a brain cell that could be grown and re-injected into a patient's brain - a technique that would simplify cell isolation and avoid problems of rejection. Scientists insist that this means using embryos as sources of stem cells.

Throughout the past century, doctors and scientists have been trying to find a cure for the common, yet deadly diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and AIDS. When first released in the 1800’s, microscopes interested the curious minds of the biologists all over the world. One thing those geniuses realized was that cells are the building blocks of life, capable of giving rise to other cells and key to understanding human development. Later, in the 1900’s, scientists noticed that cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets all came from a certain cell: a stem cell.
Stem cells have the ability to build every tissue in the human body; hence, they have great potential for future therapeutic uses in tissue regeneration and repair. For cells to fall under the definition of stem cells, they must display 2 essential characteristics. First, stem cells must have the ability of unlimited self-renewal to produce progeny exactly the same as the originating cell. This trait is also true of cancer cells that divide in an uncontrolled manner, whereas stem cell division is highly regulated. Therefore, it is important to note the second requirement for stem cells; they must be able to give rise to a specialized cell type that becomes part of the healthy animal.

Reaction First of all, I never expected that we can do this research paper with my partner because we both don’t know how to make it. Even it is hard, I’m happy that we finished our reasearch paper and I’m thankful to all my friends and classmates who are willing to help us to make it. When doing our research about the stem cell, we learned a lot about it. Like it can generate replacement cells for damaged heart muscle, valves, vessels, and other type of diseases that can result to death like spinal cord injuries, cancer, leukemia, and many more. It has also the ability to circulate progenitor cells to produce factors that are sufficient to invoke cell survival or repair responses into the damaged cells. The Stem Cell can also be found in the bone marrow, embryos, fetuses, and the umbilical cord. While doing this research, we found out that there is a first Stem Cell supplement product called “Stem-Kine”. This supplement is very helpful to our body because it stimulates our body’s natural system and it can increased the circulation of stem cells in our body for an extended period of time. It can also increased the circulation of stem cells in the peripheral blood so that it can automatically migrate to injured or inflamed site of our body by getting some chemical signal into the body. Other thing we learned about stem cell is, that when our body is injured internally or externally then our body activates a resident stem cells at the injured area and it also recruits stem cells from the bone marrow to the bloodstream and they mobilized to the point of injury to begin the healing processes. That is why when we have an external

wound even we don’t put some medicine or take any drug in our body, it automatically regenerates by the help of stem cell in our body. Other thing we found out about this research is that it result to debate and anger to those who oppose the stem cell research because they look only the process but they don’t think the result out of it. Even it leads to debate and anger, but still many people and scientists favor to this type of research and the effectiveness of the stem cell to cure deadly diseases. Because of the effectiveness of it, all people who debate and angry about this have nothing to do but to support it. We also found out that, there are many benefits than can be get in the stem cell therapy like, it can be created to be anti-tumour drug, it can produce to replace tissues that have been burned, it can also help in Parkinson’s disease, Type I diabetes, Arthritis, Burn victims, and Cardiovascular diseases.
We are so excited about this topic, because we don’t know what will gonna be happen to this research in 10 to 15 years from now. And I want to know what are the other discoveries about the Stem Cells and what are the other deadly diseases that can be curable through it. I’m pretty sure that, many people will live longer and happier together with their love ones through the benefits of the Stem Cell Therapy.

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