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Stock Exchange


Submitted By BongKring
Words 867
Pages 4

* Business Profile

* Metrobank is a leading financial conglomerate with diversified business portfolio including: investment banking, thrift banking, leasing and financing, bancassurance, and credit cards.

* Offers full range banking services to large local and multinational corporations, middle market and SMEs, high net-worth individuals and retail segment.

* Established in 1962 to provide financial services to the Filipino-Chinese community.

* Solid track record spanning over 50 years; multi-awarded bank.

* Investment grade credit rating.

* Majority owned by the Ty Family whose major business interests include financial services, real estate development, power and manufacturing.


Founded in September 5, 1962, Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. (Metrobank) has since become the premier universal bank and among the foremost financial institutions in the Philippines. It offers a full range of banking and other financial products and services, including corporate, commercial and consumer banking, as well as credit card, remittances, leasing, investment banking and trust banking. Metrobank currently spans a consolidated network of over 1,950 ATMs nationwide; over 860 domestic branches; and 31 foreign branches, subsidiaries, and representative offices.

Metrobank was incorporated in Binondo, Manila by a group of Filipino businessmen principally to provide financial services to the Filipino-Chinese community. It opened its first local branch in 1963, then expanded beyond Philippine shores only a few years after its establishment. Metrobank rolled out its first international branch in Taipei in 1970 and a representative office in Hong Kong in 1973. In 1975, Metrobank became the first of the private banks to move into American territory when it opened its office in Guam. It later established branches in the United States mainland cities of Los Angeles and New York.

It established Metrobank Foundation, Inc. in 1979, putting emphasis on both business success and community contribution. The Foundation has since become one of the largest and most respected charitable organizations in Asia.

In 1981, Metrobank was listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange and acquired its universal banking license, gaining significant equity ownerships in local and international subsidiaries. It established its own credit card company, Unibancard Corporation (now Metrobank Card Corporation) in 1986. In 1988, Metrobank entered into a joint venture with Japan's largest automotive manufacturer and Mitsui Corporation to establish Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation. A decade later, it partnered with another global giant, the AXA Group, to give birth to Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corporation.

In 1990, Metrobank launched the country's first and only talking ATM, Metrobank E.T. In 1995, Metrobank became the first billion dollar bank with total capital of Php22.8 billion, the largest in the industry. It is the first local bank to raise supplementary capital overseas with a total of US$325 million in Lower Tier 2 Capital and Hybrid Tier 1 Capital in the years 2003 to 2006.

Metrobank has also been steadily expanding internationally. In the late 1990s, Metrobank opened branches and offices in London, Taichung, Tokyo, and Seoul. Metrobank was the first to be granted a banking license by the Japanese Ministry of Finance. It was also the first Philippine bank in Korea. In 2001, Metrobank became the first Philippine bank in China when it opened its branch in Shanghai. In 2010, Metrobank inaugurated its wholly-owned subsidiary, Metropolitan Bank (China) Limited, the first foreign bank headquarters to be established in Nanjing. The new bank serves as the base for Metrobank's operations in China, with three branches located in Nanjing and Shanghai.
"You're in Good Hands" Metrobank remains dedicated to fulfilling its vision to be the best bank for all stakeholders – from its customers to the community. With people dedicated to product quality, service excellence, solid work ethics, and good governance, Metrobank has established a reputation of stability, strength, and leadership. It adheres to international best practices, careful strategic planning and prudent decision-making, focused on further improving earnings quality and increasing shareholder value by constantly reinforcing a customer-centric strategy built around the commitment of its people. A recognized leader in the country's banking industry, Metrobank has become regarded as the trusted banking partner, staying true to its brand promise of "You're in Good Hands."

* Stock Price Date | Price | March 19, 2015 | 93.600 | February 19, 2015 | 91.856 | January 19, 2015 | 88.656 | December 19, 2014 | 78.568 | November 19, 2014 | 82.254 | October 19, 2014 | 79.538 | September 19, 2014 | 85.649 | August 19, 2014 | 85.067 | July 19, 2014 | 87.298 | June 19, 2014 | 81.866 | May 19, 2014 | 85.843 | April 19, 2014 | 83.515 | March 19, 2014 | 78.907 |

* Analysis
Stock prices change every day as a result of market forces. By this we mean that share prices change because of supply and demand. If more people want to buy a stock (demand) than sell it (supply), then the price moves up.
For example, if there are more people wanting to buy a stock than to sell it, the price will be driven up because those shares are rarer and people will pay a higher price for them. On the other hand, if there are a lot of shares for sale and no one is interested in buying them, the price will quickly fall. Because of this, the market can appear to fluctuate widely.

* Exhibit

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